"Hey guys, I just got this new job, it's the best thing that ever happened to me! I LOVE videogames and all I ever do all day was play videogames. Of course, videogames do cost somewhat of a lot of money and I was starting to run out of it, mostly because I don't have a job. Then one day one of my friends suggested that I should take a job as a Videogame Beta Tester. I thought to myself 'Hey this might actually be a good job for me!' So then later that day, when I got home, I had no idea where to start looking for a job like this. So I looked it up on the internet and I found this website that actually got me started with this job and it gave me a lot of benfits (for example: free brand new games and more!) So now I got this job that I love and I get payed $20 an hour, that's a lot more than just working at any old fast food place! So yeah, I love my job now and I love the money I make too. Here is the site that help me start my job, you know, if you are interested.
Lmao. You obviously copy and pasted this from some kind of spamming form, evidence from the quotations. Lock please.
Most people here speak English and actually use correct grammar and punctuation. I suggest you do the same.
Oh hey! Is this a free advertising thread? I have some products I've been meaning to advertise on here for some time now.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/blogs/commandermatt1/2055-guy-video-game-store.html Kthxbai... At least my job is real. lol... Requesting lock.
hi billy mays here and im here to tell you about my new product, it will give you aids but wont give you cancer, its my full proof method of removing your THIRD NIPPLE trust me you have one.