this is actually just a plan and i wanted some advice before i started to make it here are the pics PLEASE COMMENT!
You've got a very interesting structure there, unfortunately you only have one interesting thing on the map. The rest of the map, particularly the walkway at the back wall, really needs some height variation to break LOS and provide more interesting gameplay. The long flat street from one end to the other will create boring gameplay. I say keep the angled wall structure and work on something for the other side, and you'll have a pretty good map on your hands, even if it is just another 2 base MLG foundry map.
Much to linear, it's almost like you thought of one neat structure and decided to build a map off of it. Come on now, do something creative! Bases are easy to toy with, try and thinking of something creative to do with 'em. Also, barriers aren't allowed in MLG.
Center looks like a perfect idea, but the bases are a littl simple and looks the same as all of the others. Love the centers as i said though, very great, hope it turns out that way.
I would suggest you build a duplicate wall structure across from the first one. that would be substantially cooler and more unique then the current setup
I think you should mimic the structure in the last picture on the other side as well. It will look much nicer and provide more interesting gameplay. Other than that, the setup seems very nice. I really hope you follow through with creating this.
I thought they were if they are held down by weapon holders etc? Anyway it looks like a good concept but like people above me said to plain oh jane for the rest of it.
I'm pretty sure they're not allowed, I could be wrong though. I know MLG Requiem uses one that's pinned down by teleporter nodes.
hmm, i actually dont like the obscure looking structure made of walls in the centre... mainly for one reason.. In the plans, it doesnt show whats behind it.. Is it sealed off, is it accessible to hide under? Does the ramp heading down the middle arc slightly or isit completely straight? The two barriers either side look odd, if you were wanting cover on the angled surface, save it for the top like on Onslaught.. What i do like, seems to be the "boring, linear" walkway down the back. I think with two of those either side it would look very appealing for MLG gameplay. The best map MLG has on foundry is by far Onslaught.. and its entirely symmetrical. Amplied doesnt always play well because of unfair advantages when people spawn at the lower side, and Lockdowns (old) carbine platform hardly gets used. (Back to the map) Instead of having the wall corners act as arch ways, have a curved wall (like the centre piece thing) expand out from the wall in their places and have the walkway go round them to prevent the full linear path. You could then be creative with the centre as its got symmetry around it, it should be fairly easy to construct something. You could have a raised platform, with 4 legs running off to each of the "curved" areas of the "linear" walkways i just described..
The mauler sits atop a barrier on MLG Onslaught. It's not supported by a teleporter or weapon holder, I might also add.
Barriers are allowed, I also had thought the same. I've fixed that in the next version, but sorry for the misconception.
you have some very long site lines in there espicially along the main wall. Also your starirs going up tp the base really need to be against somethiong to stop people shooting through them.
Get rid of the dumpsters and build a structure opposite of high tower side. Your map will end up being one-lined symmetry so take advantage of the sides and center. Your bases are looking ordinary as well. Try and be creative around the bases and pull off something no one is accustomed to that works, bigger the better. Bases can get away with more than you think on foundry arena styled maps.