I just want to get a general polling of everyone's feelings on the new map, Blackout. The question: DO YOU FEEL BLACKOUT IS A WORTHY REMAKE OF LOCKOUT?" I personally don't feel like Blackout does Lockout justice. There are so many jumps that are missing. Rooms, doors and elevations are all askew. The map just feels so different that I can't really call it a faithful remake of lockout. Please post your opinions in this thread. Thank you! --dc Edit: I don't want this thread to get out of hand, so let me just state for the record: This thread is regarding how faithful of a remake Blackout is of Lockout. NOT on how good/bad Blackout is as a map. I personally think Blackout is a nice map in and of itself. Please do not confuse the two similar topics. Thank you.
It feels completely different yeah I agree, half is the setting and half is the game. They did there best to be "faithful" to lockout..but with changes they couldn't control, i wouldn't consider it to be the "same". So many things I loved on that map are missed dearly. I voted yes..but not because I love blackout.
Is it the same map? No. Is it a worthy remake? I have to say yes. It takes some adjustment, but I was engaging in a lot of familiar tactics in the first few battles on there. Which of your favorite jumps are gone?
Anyone who complains about it should throw their xbox out of a tall building, IMO. At least they remade it, and that is what everyone was asking.
One of the many jumps is from elbow to mid-snipe (snipe 2? idk, but its the area that's level with the top middle platform. The "lip" on the doorway in Lockout enabled savvy players to make a double-jump above the doorway, keeping it from being such a stronghold for campers. It was just one more way to assault sniper-tower campers. Also, the two "mini" elbows leading to top BR (BR 3? idk...). A jump existed that allowed you to jump over the curved entry-way, which was another means to prevent people from camping. I'm not trying to say I hate Blackout. I'm trying to point out that it is not a "faithful" remake of Lockout due to some major and minor changes they made. I think it is a fine map, but it does the original Lockout no justice. --dc
I was disappointed at the disappearance of a few of the trickier railing jumps on the map. It was so fun to ninja people using them. However, there are a few new ones that flow a little better and feel less like glitches during gameplay. Overall, I'm happy.
its a pretty good remake but i also agree that they changed it so that there are a lot less jumps. they even thought to make windows blocking that room above sword room . i used to love throwing grenades in there to flush out a bunch of guys. at least they got some new jumps in the map.
It is a great map/remake. I'm disappointed in the lack of the ledges over door ways that allowed you to jump to a higher level without going around. I also don't like how they closed the window off in the library. It was a great place to cover a lot of the map and a place to throw grenades to fish people out of hiding. Those are more "petty" than my 3 major complaints. The 3rd is it seems smaller. I've jumped backwards several times, expecting to land only to find that I've fallen off the edge. The most telling visual example is the snipe ramp. It is defiantly thinner than the one in Lockout. Those are my only complaints. They don't take away from my enjoyment of the map. Those are just what I don't like from Lockout to Blackout. They don't really effect my opinion of Blackout. It's a great map and I love playing on it.
why is everyone so annoyed that blackout isn't lockout? blackout is a great map and it seems like some people won't be happy until bungie just take the original lockout and put it exactly as it was in halo 2, into halo 3.
It isn't a faithful remake, for several reasons, which I shall list for your reading pleasure Jumps missing includes: Jumping from middle area up onto BR tower (the tower across from the sniper) is not impossible. Jumping down into windows by Library and Sword. Sight Lines missing includes: Sitting at bottom of sniper tower ramp, and being able to see all the way down. Now, instead, I have to go into the small room to get a good look, which then leaves me open to being grenaded out from behind and have no where to go. I don't understand why that change was made, because on Guardian (yes yes I know not Lockout) the sight line goes all the way down, and the game play is fine with that. Why was this eliminated? Standing at sniper spawn, it is more difficult to see people coming up the lift. Also, is it just me or has Blackout turned into a Stickfest? I played 3 games on there and all of them had 10-15 sticks total. Granted it happened a lot on Lockout, it just seems to be more likely. I find myself falling off the edge, which is something I almost NEVER did on Lockout. I still pwn on the levels It is still enjoyable, but is NOT a faithful remake.
I think it is about the same as the origional. You have the same problem i do. Only 100 saved files. WTF:squirrel_evil:
I don't want to sound like an ass, but you guys first complained that Guardian, which is a great map, and is a great substitute for Lockout sucks. I feel that Guardian is better than Lockout in my opinion. Another thing that gets on my nerves are all these posts complaining that Lockout isn't exactly the same. Come on people. It's a new game. I want different maps. I like Guardian better than Blackout. It is newer. If you want Lockout so bad why don't you play Halo 2 again? If not please stop asking for these remakes and ports of old maps. I payed 60$ for this game, and 20$ on map packs. This last one felt like a rip off since only one of the new maps was really new. So to sum myself up. Stop complaining that you got what you wanted, but it wasn't exactly the same. If you want the same maps from Halo CE, and 2 then play those games.
well said, but they complained about guardian, and that eventually stopped, now they are complaining about blackout so hopefully it will stop eventually.
I havn't played it enough to really know, but I think I need to learn some of these jumps I keep hearing about. I've played 3 games on it and I never really noticed anything apart from jumping from the tall building opposite the sniper to the walkway into the lift room.
You complain that only one is new, yet you missed the fact that avalanche is awesome and so what if its a sidewinder spirtual remake..it may be better than the original. Ghost Town is cool..I will like it when I know it better. And Lockout>Blackout, but this might also be because I have been forging heavily for a week and a half and haven't had much time to actually play so I suck now.
I am perfectly happy with blackout, I was just pointing out my favorite things missing from Lockout. If you don't like the remakes then don't buy them, don't complain to people like me that loved the new map pack before it was even released.
I'm just mad at all the people who are complaining that they didn't just directly port Lockout over to Halo 3. You complain that they took the time to actually make it look somewhat different. So what if a few jumps are missing? Would you rather pay 3$ for something that would take them almost no time at all to port? Also, I never said I hated avalanche. I love it. I don't mind that being in the new maps. Avalanche feels new since they changed so much of it. Blackout however seems useless. I hate direct ports. I loved lockout, if I want to play it, I put in Halo 2.