This is a map spartarulz536 and I made and its called Secret Manor, or Manor for short. This is the first map I have tried to post on forgehub, but I have more. It took us about 3-4 hours to make it. Heres Some pictures EDIT: More Pictures Ahoy! This below is the main floor Beginning of Second Floor Almost to the attic The Attic, complete with viewing window DETAILS- -2 floors, an attic, a basement, and a garage. -No weapons, because they would be pointless (see gametype below) -Plenty of hiding spaces -More secrets than you can count -Lots of fun -OMG the zombies behind me, door OPEN already! phwooosh, ahhhh! ROUND OVER... Heres the download link... : Halo 3 File Details Let me know what you think and the gametype is a little different. Its infection where the zombie has a hammer and is invincible, the humans are not allowed to assassinate the zombie and no one respawns. there is ONE zombie.The humans have regular health, shield and all. If anyone can help me with the zombie spawning please send a friend request to blahman777. Oh yeah, as long as the zombie spawn isnt fixed the zombie has to give the humans a head start of 10 seconds. NO ONE HAS RADAR, it ruins the game... Testers: spartarulz536 I OK I Blindman EndlessEV777 SCW Durandal and WtopdawgL
Good idea? Not sure really, people are going to want to see more pictures, like more inside etc.. Is there a weapon list? Whats the zombies health? Regular players health? Not trying to bash on you, just trying to help improve your post. -2 floors, an attic, a basement, and a garage. -Plenty of hiding spaces -More secrets than you can count -Lots of fun Those are good traits, but if you want fast action zombie games, less hiding spots; less attack power, an more fun. Makes the humans HAVE to work together to stay alive.
Good job on your first map but for future preference you should spend more time on the map, because the geomerging doesnt seem to be neat and you only spent 3-4 hours on it. Good job but just for future prefence I reccomend that. 7/10
hmm looks very cool, nice aesthetics but it looks a little bumpy and those ramps arent quite even but otherwise it looks pretty cool 6/10
Not really the best thing I've seen. Don't get me wrong, I've alot worse then this, and it is a neat forge, but it's kind of medeocer, and dull. But I give you alot of points for keeping it neat. 3/5
Good first post! (I need help posting my first maps...) I gave it a download, and it was rough around the edges, but it had a good feel to it. The gametype is what confuses me though. 1. The zombie always wins. 2. It's pretty small if it is meant to be a manhunt map, which is what your gametype sounds like. I'll gladly help you with the map, but I don't have XBL Gold, so I'll send you a friend request and I can set up a zombie spawn, if you don't already have it set up. My gamertag is KSI Kuroda, so I'll send the request on the site and on XBL when I get the chance.