A proper sick map.It uses the full map and includes an extra bottom level with a tower. A ghost, trip mine, spartan laser, and other unique features are included. This map only supports slayer, but probably could be modified to a zombies map. Link http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30583522
I'm sure your map is great, but no one will ever find out, as this post is of a poor quality. Go HERE for the official map posting guide.
This map is freakin amazing, I want to fry it and sugar coat it with love! What is love? Baby don't hurt me! Don't hurt me, no more! But seriously, embed your pics, there is a guide on it in the maps forum. Give a description. This is a sick map.... No Download for you!
Breaking into song... omg, you're amazing. Anyways, I couldn't tell if your post was sarcasm or you actually meant what you said. :S
don't double post, either of you especially you crouchaldinho because your a manc fan and i just can't stand them
manc stands for manchester united wanker. manC stands for man city BTW HAMMERS FTW!!! 3 straight wins over your sorry asses. back on topic, the map looks ok, but the floor on the lower part of the level looks a bit wonky.
PEOPLE. NO. DOUBLE. POSTING. /hiss ______________ People reserve the right to download and rate maps as they please. Why care? People download based on map content, not on how others 'rate' the map.
rofl noooo idea wat ur talking manc is man city, manutd is for manny united. hammers are rubbish. do u c them at the top of the league or in the semis of uefa didnt think so.
but who beat man U three games straight? we did, who was the first team to beat arsenal at their new home? we did who gave you your only decent players (tevez, ferdinand) we did face it we are teh best.
roflolololol rooney. waaay better than tevez. the whole team is good. ur just angry cus no one ever wantas to stay in west ham.