MONSTER CRASH 2.1 Vehicles on map: 8 Ghosts 6 Mongooses 4 Warthogs Later spawning in map: 2 Prowlers 2 Choppers Information: What you need to do in the game is simple, push the other people of the edge. If you have any issues with the map feel free to send me a message at my gamertag: ITS GOOGLE. Pictures of the map After 120 seconds Gametype: The Map:
You don't want the choppers or the prowlers (well, maybe the prowlers) to spawn until 120 or 180 seconds go by. This gametype has been done hundreds, LITERALLY, hundreds of times before. You should add something unique that has never been done before.
I like it. While the gametype and idea are unoriginal, I like the shape of this one. Although in the screenshots it looks like you have walls on top of blocks...doesn't that waste your objects? Also, has this been tested? I noticed that your shots have the grid in them... Oh well, I'll edit my post when I've played it.