I was playing a match in Lone Wolves against people who were about the same rank as me, a little bit lower. I was the highest ranked (Commander, 39) there. I won 1st place Slayer on Guardian with 2nd place getting 18 and I ranked down to a 38. Has this happened to anybody else? I swear I ranked down. I was watching the number to see if I ranked up!
the reason that happened was because the ranking system might not have applied a previous loss yet and by the time you won it had updated.
Did you quit a game before that one? If you did, the game probably wasn't over by the time you started the second, and once you finished, the loss was accounted for.
Yea, this is what has happened to me. Sometimes it just evens out and your rank doesn't change, but in this case you didn't go up for the 1st place finish, but because of the last game, you went down.
Yeah, the quitting or loss of a last one may have not counted till then what was your k/d in that match? do you remeber?
The opposite normally happens to me-I rank up when I get 4th or 5th place. But my friends complain about that a lot, I'm not sure what happens though.
I've had these kind of things happen to me before. Did you have a negative K/D spread? If so that can contribute. However, the easiest way to explain this is that the ranking system has its problems. I won a spree of over 50 games and got deranked on first loss: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7616