The Ops Center Map Preview The Ops Center is a FFA map that I plan on releasing soon. The map is on Rats Nest, and the whoole area that it takes place in is tiny. Here are some pictures to give you a general feel for the map: Flamethrower Spawn Front Door Back Wall Side Wall Bridge Discuss.
All I can see from the screenshots are weapons teleporters and some blocked door ways using merging. Is that all? It's just A bunch of rooms closed off. Theres gotta be more, maybe aesthetics would help.
Yay, it's up. Looks pretty sweet, merges are great and it played awesome. Also he aesthetics are great, even outside the map. Nice job, looking forward to playing it more. Hopefully this will be released relatively soon I'm guessing.
Yeah, Dylan, I'm releasing this soon. Thanks for the positive feedback. @Viet Honor: No there doesn't "gotta be more." How can this even be compared to the default Rats Nest? Does this look like it will play at all like the default Rats Nest? No. I did more than add some ramps and whatnot, and there are actually a damn good amount of aesthetics, it's just a lot of them aren't in the pictures.
I can't say this looks amazing but it its still looks good. I like how you blocked off the flamethrower area with the bridges. Also, good job with the active camo, I was gonna do that in my most recent map. This will definitaly be an improvement over defaulth Rat's Nest.
Why do people keep comparing this to default Rats Nest? The only reason I used Rats Nest for the canvas is because I like how Rats Nest's aesthetics look. I refuse to make another bland Sandbox map.
i suppose that could be your downfall then.. from what we all can see.. it DOESNT look like much.. and youve posted your map on here to get peoples opinions. So stop bitching when you dont like their opinion. IMO it really doesnt look like much, and it does look like you've just blocked off a few doorways and merged an active camo into the floor.. As for the another bland sandbox map statement.. get some more creativity, all sandbox maps are displayed differently. I notice differences in every map on sandbox, the gameplay reflects those differences as well. Your map may reflect in gameplay, but from the pictures you've posted..we cant see anything that suggests this will play any different from the default.