no its a floating glitch, you basically act like say a box or something else that floats but you can control where you go =P im not going to explain it i think Gunner may want to keep his glitch to himself but i think iv figured it out.
Ooh! Nice use of floating! Please P.M. me when you're done with it. I really want to show my friends.
I actually found this glitch the day longshore came out by accident, I couldn't think of any decent uses for it, but yeah. Anyway, looks really fun, great job putting the glitch to use.
Oh, thanks for the heads up! I downloaded it so i can check it out after school. Know anything about it?
haha, very funny, Nokyard. Ell3ment and I loaded it up this afternoon and had a good chuckle. You had us all worried for nothin! Oh, and this is how to perform the floating glitch: YouTube - Halo 3 Floating Glitch On Longshore We have modified it from the way this guy does it, but its basically the same. The spawn system has taken many hours to set up >.<
Dude this looks amazing. Cant wait until it comes i'll be downloading for sure. It gives a different feel than sandbox or foundry. Another thing can you duck under water so they cant see you or can they see your head still?
There is no floor to the map, but you are still able to hold crouch to sink under the water for a few seconds. Think JAWS. Progress Update: After hours and hours of experimenting, we have come up with a fully functional respawn system. We are also halfway done adding a ceiling to the map. If all goes well, you should be playing this game by the weekend!
this looks quite crazy, ive always wanted to create a small semi submerged slayer map. I thought longshore would be a great place to hold it, but i dont think theres gonna be enough items to do it.
Great idea! I'm glad to see you made this so quick. If bungie adds this into matchmaking (although I'm sure the won't, sorry ) It'd be great! I'll have to download this, or get one of my friends too.
They make you sink when you hit them, I think. That or everyone within the radius, including you, sinks.
I'll probably be on a fair bit tonight, just send me an invite anytime you're online. So you finished the roof you said you were going to do, right?