Hello everyone! I haven't had a map out for a while, and that is because I have been busy working on more to share This is the one I am showing you today. A pretty accurate concept remake of the firefight map "Alpha Site". I have tailored the gametype to be similar to firefight and to utilize 7 different types of Covenant. Budget's mxd in case you're wondering why I didn't put more The Gametype Many firefight gametypes have been made before, and more will probably come, my gametype is unique for a single reason. I made to be fun, not realistic. That's correct, I did not make this gametype to be similar to firefight in as close detail as can be, it was made to have a fun enjoyable survival gametype on Halo 3 Custom Games. The ODST's have no shield recharge, but high body resistance, with the covenant having less damage inflicted. Now I am not kidding when I say this, I have been testing the firefight gametypes for my maps for the past 3 months, just so I could be absolutely sure it was possible to hold out, but just like firefight you'd be eventually overwhelmed. Everyone who has played it with the new gametype has loved it, and I hope you do too! Da Species More or less typical, but with a few minor changes. (Default gun for cove is the plasma pistol) Grunts You actually have to worry about these guys, and for the same reason you have to worry about them in firefight proper. Grenades. Just act as if all skulls (Including Catch) were on lasma Grenades, full complement: Jackals These guys, are really annoying. They an peck off your shields from afar, and unless you stop them they will just keep doing it. :Covenant Carbine: Brutes Brutes. Better than jackals and grunts, but not too good beyond that. You do have to watch out for them taking down your shields though. lasma Rifle and/or Spiker(s); Power Drain: Brute Stalkers Made infinitely more deadly from human intelligence, these are some of the most dangerous enemies you'll encounter here. Watch the paths, otherwise you'll only know they're there when they assassinate you. :Mauler; Incendiary Grenades; Invis: Hunters Ouch. These guys will have a hail of fuel rod shots hitting you before you know they're there. Be carefull, these guys ain't pushovers. :2-3x Overshields; Fuel Rod Guns: Brute Chieftains What can I say, they're chieftains, they've got hammers and they love to use m' :"2-3x Overshields; Regenerator; Gravity Hammer: Drones Why do I have these last? Well for 2 reasons actually 1. I haven't seen drones in any other firefight gametype besides my own 2. They are potentially the hardest enemies on here How are they the hardest? Well you see, the drones get needlers, and a custom powerup. This powerup allows them to have 300% Run and 50% Jump for a very limited time. Easy right? Except the smart ones will use it to get on the rim of the map, making them liable to drop down behind and assassinate you before you can react. :Needlers; Custom Powerup: Don't underestimate the power of what thinking people can do over AIs, it's 50% Cove spawn, and the humans have to work together to survive. Humans Spawn with SMGs and Magnums. There are 4 pieces of smg ammo that run out quick, and 1 piece of both rockets and sniper near the spawn. Conserve ammo, it'll run out fast. Only honor rule, coves don't use human weapons. Now for the pics! I'm afraid I only have pictures of the map, my theater messed up... Overview Spawn Sight From Spawn Cove Landing Area (The dropships are bricks I know. I wanted to conserve budget) Download Alpha Site Download AS/OA Firefight Enjoy!
Note: I haven't played it yet because I couldn't get a large party together. You don't have to take what I have to say about gameplay too seriously. Just so you know. The forging is nice and smooth, and it looks solid. I like how you added all the Firefight enemies, even Stalkers an Drones. However, your map honestly needs some aesthetics upgrade. Don't underestimate the effect on gameplay (easier orientatition, feels less repetitive), and people will most likely come back to your map and pick it over other Firefight maps if it looks good. You stated that you wanted to conserve budget, but the removal of a few pillars in exchange for a couple of arches or light would be a good thing. I haven't got to much to say right now until i play it, but I just wanted to give some advice.
You should have have edited the respawn settings so that the covenant should have a certain amount of time before they can no longer pick up weapons. Seriously, people might 'accidentally' find a rocket launcher and the first thing they do is use it. And there's no way to stop them from picking up grenades either if you don't fix the respawn settings. And the reason why drones are never seen in custom firefight maps is because they fail. How could one represent them well? 300% speed, 50% gravity, no shields, headshot immunity disabled? Props for including all the classes though.
Other than the thing that rifte gifle has already mentioned, to be honest I just don't think that this is a very good representation of firefight at all. The map for one is so tiny and does not feel like Alpha site. I honestly must have died 10 times in one round from falling of the edge. you need WAAAAAY more ledges. Next, the scoring is not very good. Every time an ODST gets a kill(which is very often) they get 1 point. Everytime the covenant get a kill, it's 1 point. And that RARELY happens. Between falling off the edge and getting no points, I'd always lose. Next comes the problem of the ODST's in general. Aside from the problem of them being ridiculously overpowering(the only thing that can really kill them are the stalkers really and that's probably because the ODST are fighting invisible guys without a radar). One fully charged plasma pistol shot takes out less than a tenth of the shields. And also as the ODST, when you're almost dead, you can just commit suicide with a rocket launcher or jump off the edge and lose 1 point, but regain all your shields. No. Also, the weapons aren't even in the right spots. Why would you put the rockets and sniper in one little shelf together at 30 seconds respawn? 1/5 sorry, the map and gametype just needs a lot more work. I personally don't believe this is something you've been testing for the past 3 months.
I find it hard to believe you actually tested it after hearing this, but I will try to address some of this. 1. The ODST's have more power in relation to the covenant. It would be no fun at all if they could die as normal, since they would die in the first wave. With the absence of lives, that was what I decided. 2. If you play Alpha Site you'll see that some covenant do fall, excluding that though, no one else that played fell off more than once, if that. Please don't blame me if you can't stay on. 3. The scoring is as set, this is for fun, if you care about score on a firefight themed map then that's up to you. If enough people want me to change it, beyond just one person on one sight, I'll do so. 4. On real Alpha Site, the sniper and shotgun are back there as well, replaced one, and it keeps the emphasis on their spawn. 5. Nothing I can really do. If you think I'm lying, there is little I can do to prove otherwise over the internet. General I ran out of budget, so unfortunately even if I was inclined to, I could not add anything else on there. [I will work on making the coves unable to pick up weapons after a while]
This is great how you made a map that was on Halo 3:ODST which is also my favorite. The only problem I have with it is that it doesnt look like Alpha Site that much. If you could use some more interlocking I think it would look neater too. Good job but I hope you make a V2! I'll come back and tell you how it is soon. I dl for now. It was okay but I dont really know why there are so many stone pillars there. I dont really remember all those...
No he definitely did play, like 3 games actually. We played two 6 and one 8 person game. Don't think that Mike's trying to bash you... he's fairly insensitive with his map reviews. But tbh, everyone fell of the edge at least twice. I tried to take cover, and ended up falling of the edge. Also, what I think he meant about the weapons placement, the sniper rifle and shotty spawned on wall. Rocket launcher definetly did not spawn near the starting area. The problem in relation to number 1, is that it's no fun for the covenenat. Besides being unbelievably strong, they can jump off the edge or commit suicide to regain sheilds. Oh, and if an ODST respawns, they respawn in the covenant spawn area so you know.
I interlocked quite a bitz actually, and like I said this is a concept remake, taking the base parts into a map. **** budget... To above poster: Ok that's fine, and yeah I know, an ODST died once in all the games I played, but yeah think of the dropship as a pelican I might have put rails in, but like I said, budget mxd. D:
Yeah I can see that you merged its just that you didnt geomerge the stuff that should be merged like the ramps from the dropzone to the main part. That part should be merged so it is smooth but thats okay i'll still keep the map on my hard drive.
How the hell do you fall off 10 times in one game? You fail. SRSLY. On topic, I think this is a fairly accurate representation of Alpha Site. There were a few things here and there, but I like it! 4/5
It was an exaggeration, genius. Also, actually play. Everyone fell off a few times no matter what. If you're going to make a map in the skybubble, then it needs to have railings of some sort. Also, when you mean accurate, do you mean weapons respawning almost instantly? If you're going to recreate firefight, I recommend NOT using infection. Too many snags while playing, such as committing suicide or whatever to gain your shields back. A giant flaw in this one considering that the ODST's are way overpowered anyways. Use something like VIP, like rifte gifle did for protocol. Plays a lot like firefight, and there's no worry of people committing suicide. If you think I'm trying to flame you with my opinion on the map, well I'm not. Each little bit of info I'm giving you will help you if you want to make a V2, should you decide to listen. Besides(if the creator can take criticism), would the creator like to hear a bunch of people spamming, "c00l map i liek this concept, covenant r 2 overpowed but 10/10 anyways" without playing, or hear someone who gives the flaws of the map and hints for improving on a V2? EDIT Also, just use regular text colour. Black is harder to read for FH Dark users.
I didn't try to post it that way, it just came out :/ As I said before, this was a fun map based off of firefight, not made to be like firefight. Sorry but no, I've played this map testing it a -blam!-load of times and no more than 1 guy fell off each game, and anyone who played it before didn't. No I do not just want people saying "This is such a l337 map" but neither do I want misdirected critisism on it.