Eh. It's a picture of the doodle. So everything is reversed. My bad. It's a little door to it's heart ;D the lil "u" shape smile is its mouth. Simple EDIT: K I fixed it for yah.
i was gonna ask something along the lines of security. as he said, very cutsey, but try making the sun round instead of just the heart i like nonetheless
Ohyeah, big time. My hand's suck unless I spend time with it. It probably would help if I used pencil first on the hands too, but eh.. Thanks for the comments.
Lmao **** no, frag. Personal reasons. Girls. Relationships. Yada. Etc. The phrase has a lot to do with the drawing. Sun and sunlight/sunshine are like pea's in a pod. The sun's handing his heart. "Here's my heart, sunshine. ;D
It's childish, but well done. Yeah working on the hands is what you should do. Still, keep it up. Better than what I can do. =P
Haha thanks. It literally took me about 5 mins... Quick, simple ;D I might try and do a more detailed pictured.. And do it right, pencil then pen ;D