I've spent a little over a week making 2fort, it's not quite finished, I still have a few kinks to work out, if you'd like to see it personally my GT is WMD Sandbag. for a first time i think i did pretty well. 2Fort is a One flag, One bomb type of map that, hopefully has smooth gameplay. still haven't had anyone test it yet. you can get to the other base through the bridge's roof or on the bridge. since it hasn't been tested i still don't know if this map would work well with small or big teams, and i don't know how to test it [HELP]. And without further adue, here's the highlight of my week. [Image Removed] [Image Removed] [Image Removed] [Image Removed] also, i don't know how to link my map here
Moved to Halo Forge Discussion. The Map boards are for completed maps. Also, none of your images work
They worked for me. Anyway this will help Its a little rough but not bad oh and btw to put your link just go to your file share then your map then highlight the address and copy it on your post Ps for posting images copy the address and put them in an For now you can just copy the images from my post, then edit your post and paste them there.
No doubt you spent alot of time on this, but it looks really bumpy. Also, you're wasting space using huge blocks like that.
needs moar interlox! srsly, you interlocked nothing, it looks really bumpy and uneven and a map with two forts isnt really original
i like the general layout.. i think this could evolve into something great.. sure though it needs alot of work. I.e merging all the parts together.. I assume youve already reached object limit/budget limit? good job though
That's what I thought. I saw this thread and was like, "Sweet, I was waiting for someon to do this", but then I get this. Anyway, very bumby, you need to work on your merging.