Mythic II DLC Citadel V 2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CaptnSTFU, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Well, just from the pictures I can tell that you did go a little overboard with those columns. It looks like it should be called "CITADEL + some random columns". Sorry but I don't really see this map making my xbox. And again like you stated, it's not very original. I have seen several Citadel maps out there, and most of the are just random ghost merged objects. Seriously, how long did this take you? When I made my citadel map, I tried to make sure it wasn't random pieces of crap thrown together. Oh yeah, way to steal my window merge (jk). I know it's supposed to play like citadel, but citadel itself doesn't play as good as it should. If I took sandtrap and put a few crates around it and posted it s "Sandtrap II" do you think it would get a good review?
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I understand you stand point on my map but its not just random crap, i actually put time and thought into the placement of the box's to be used not only aesthetically but also game play wise. Alot of people do like the way it plays, and though i understand you view point on my map i have to disagree. You did something on Citadel first that lets face it was bound to be done and its a great map but i wanted to add to the feel of the default map and i achieved that with this map.
  3. CryptoKnight

    CryptoKnight Ancient
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    first off, yuo and some on elese have good citadel maps, im in the process of making mine. looks great, and i hope when i finally post mine, it doesnt look like i copied off yours.
  4. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    I like the windows becuase I thought while playing citadel it was to open and you seemed to have solved it. I haven't forged Citadel yet but if there are ramps you should put one going up to the edge by your windows. Just so you don't have to jump. I'll download and test later. Your colums seem out of place and in the way near old rocket spawn, but you should make them reach the ceiling in the back hallway.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Lol which back hallway their is window hallway and mauler hallway if you could elaborate i could take it into consideration since im doing another version with some more aesthetic appeal that shouldn't affect gameplay too much.

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