OK, so I have a cousin, The Flappy, who is quite good at making maps, and so am I, so we put this together. Enjoy. Map #1: I Don't Wanna be on Fire "V2" (Souperintendent) OK, I posted this map a long time ago, but there were complaints about so many things, so I fixed them. This is now, hopefully, complaint free. This is a mini-game where the zombie spawns in a room with infinite Fire-bomb Grenades. His objective is to kill the humans who are below him by throwing these at them. The humans spawn to the Man-Cannons or jump around and dodge Firebombs thrown by the zombie. If they touch a Man-Cannon, they fly to the other end of the map! When there is thirty seconds is left, a Grav Lift spawns to get the zombie up into a concealed room. This room has a Flare, which he/she can throw to blind the Humans briefly and try to kill them. At the same time, a Deployable Cover spawns in the corner so that whoever is left may have a bit of cover for a moment. Spoiler Screenshots: Human Spawn: Overview from other corner: Zombie Spawn: Don't Get Hit! If you Get into the Man-Cannon, Jump, and hit the Pannel in the right way, you can do a Super Jump! Grav Lift: Deployable Cover: Flare: Download "Fire V2" Download "I Don't Wanna Be" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Map #2: Duel in the Sky (Souperintendent) In this map, there are to bases that consist of: 1-Hornet 1-Transport Hornet 2-Banshees 2-Mongeese 2-Battle Rifles 2-Sniper Rifles each. The bulk of the game players get into the airborne vehicles and shoot each other down. The Mongeese are for crossing the long bridge between the two. In the center of said bridge is a Spartan Laser. On two small islands on the sides of the map are Missile Pods. Blocking the Teleporter is a Kill Ball, so don't fly into it. Spoiler Screenshots: Blue Base: Red Base: Sniper and Battle Rifle Spawns (The map is symmetrical): Missile Pod Spawn: Kill Ball: Action Shot: Download "Duel in the Sky" ------------------------------------------------------------------
Now for the feature presentation... Map #3: Hesitation (The Flappy) On this full sized Sandbox map, there are Ghosts, Equipment, Rifles, Maulers, Snipers, Hammers, Launchers, oh my! It has it all. 2-Ghosts 2-Maulers 2-Snipers 2-Needlers 1-Grav Hammer 1-Rocket Launcher 1-Invisibility 1-Power Drainer 1-Shotgun 1-Bubble Shield I'll let the screenshots explain themselves. Spoiler Screenshots: Overview: Sniper Spawn on the Dunes: Sniper Spawn in the Map: Ghost Spawns: Spiker Spawns: Carbine Spawn #1: Carbine Spawn #2: Power Drain Spawn: Mauler & Invisibility Spawn: Mauler & Invisibility Spawn (With Both Maulers and No Invisibility): Plasma Rifle Spawn: Rocket Launcher Spawn: I Stuck an Invisible Guy! Ownage, thy Name is Soup: Download "Hesitation" ------------------------------------------------------------------- So, what do you think? Please comment on what you think, but also thank our players. XcSpartan117cX: His Guest: Fantom4ce: The Flappy: Souperintendent: Thank you all.
i liek the last map the best 4/5 good use a little bit of a fix up maybe center some objects and spice it up a bit
Map 2: I like the idea of linking the bases by a path which I have never seen in a "dogfight" map. However, there is absolutely no cover on the bases, which will allow a single hornet to dominate the enemy team indeffinitely. The idea is there but the complexity and design are not. Sadly this should really be entirely remade, but if you really want to put that much time into it, you might consider looking at dogfight for some ideas. Please seperate your map posts into different threads in the future to make it more concise and easier to understand Also, the infection map needs to go in casual maps, and the others may fit better here. "Maps which require honor rules should go under casual maps"
1. I will try to create more cover. 2. I will separate the maps into different posts next time. 3. 2/3 of the Maps were Competitive, so I put them here.