New type of gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cory21, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    This is something I've been thinking about for about a week. Its similar to BUNGLE, and I've put a lot of thought into it.

    What this gametype is like is taking out all (or most of) the MLGish weapons, and other starting weapons that are used too often in MM. In multiplayer, gameplay is based on BRs, ARs, and power weapons such as the sniper and rockets. I'm thinking of making a new style gameplay that revolves around weapons like Spikers, Plasma Rifles, Sentinel Beams and such.

    I want battles to last longer (increased health or decreased damage) and player positioning to make a larger impact on the game (lower speed). This will make battles a little more interesting. Maybe like CoD where players are usually further away from each other and Halo where battles are more interesting. Equipment will play a larger role in this game, to spice up gameplay, and causing you to constantly adapt to what your opponent uses against you. Vehicles may also make appearances, but ones that aren't used too often. Also, I will include the use of Custom powerups. These increase your running speed to about 150% and decrease gravity slightly.

    One big problem is choosing the starting weapons. Bungle used the Plasma Pistol, which I will also use. However, from a competitive standpoint, that is a very bad starting weapon. I was thinking about having Magnum the Primary weapon and PP as the Secondary weapon, and then having Spikers and Plasma Rifles always available.

    What do you guys think? I will consider all the ideas you give me, although this will most likely never go anywhere.
    #1 cory21, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Please don't use firebombs, they ruin gameplay... Of course if you have higher health it might work out better, I suggest removing grav hammer from that list as it is pretty damn annoying. Also ditch the pp starts, give us just the magnum to start up.
  3. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    That was the same thing I was thinking about Firebombs. I'm still going to test it at least once to see how they play with the other weapons in the set. What I was thinking is that they will be like spike grenades, since they stick to what they hit, but they don't make any splash damage. We'll see how they compare to the other weapons.

    Would a sword be a better substitute for the hammer? I was thinking of using the hammer as the main melee weapon, but it also has some anti-vehicle capabilities.

    Why ditch PP starts? I think it would come in handy, since you can use the over-charged blast and then the magnum shot. Again, we'll see when I decide to test it (assuming I do).

    Anymore suggestions?
  4. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Wow, that's a great idea. The only thing i can see happening though is it just turning into a mele fest. If everyone has higher health or lower weapon damage and compared to the rest of the halo arsanal, bad guns, i think some people's first reaction would be to run in and get close for some beatdowns. However, everything else sounds amazing!!! Can't wait to out Sb people =)

    PS: I am 90% positive i spelled arsanal wrong...
    #4 A Fluffy Pillow, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  5. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Thats were I think lowering the player speed will cater to that. Say your on the Invis hallway in the Pit. You both have a single Spiker and and running toward each other. In normal MM, you'll probably reach each other in ~1.5 seconds (more or less), thus forcing the melee to end the fight. However, say, with 90% speed, that raises it up to ~2 seconds, wich in most cases, may make people want to hang back and finish off their clip. Well, thats what I think will happen, I guess we'll see.
  6. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Anyway, if you need help testing the gt, just FR me, GT to your left.

    I think you should have no magnum/pp combo as spawn. Trust me when I say that that will be the same as BR's. That is unless you remove headshots, which could make the game a bit more interesting. Otherwise, it's just combos the entire match. I don't see why not doing that. You don't have any snipers in it, so that could work.
  7. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    DO NOT lower the speed of the players. Lower speed is just frustrating, and kills gameplay. I'd be more tan willing to try and help setup this gametype with you. I've always thought it would be fun to mess around with weapons that never get any attention, and see what you could get out of it. A Game not based on BR and beatdowns.

    Personally, I think Firebombs would work if you used them in combination with another grenade. Good starting weapons would probably be the Spiker (if possible) as a primary and the Magnum for the Secondary. That seems like the best choice, but I'm not sure if you can start with Spikers. My thoughts are that with all these duals weapons, the only way to prevent the game from being a beatdown fest is to make people have slightly less health/shields. That way they're more effect from a longer range. Plus, this opens up a slew of possible power weapons, that before would only have been blended into the rest. Good examples are Brute Shots, Sentinel Beams, and Needlers.

    Here's just my thoughts on the weapons you posted...

    Plasma Pistols - Spread them around the map, a last ditch weapon. Good in combination, not so good alone.

    Spikers - A good starting weapon that wouldn't need to have but a couple extras placed on the map since you can pick em up from dead players. Sort of like the AR

    Plasma Rifles - In a way, this could replace the BR. A non-power weapon that people would want to use. It could be the focal point of the game if done correctly.

    Brute Shots - With the Health/Shields lowered in would become a very dynamic Power Weapon. The quick fire and large splash damage would make it quite desirable. A new Rocket Launcher.

    SMGs - These would almost be like power weapons themselves. If you go with lower Health/Shields you could place them almost like you would place Maulers on a normal map. A strong weapon that you would consider a power weapon, but is still a cut above all the normal weapons.

    Sentinel Beams - These could almost replace Snipers in a way. Their long range would make them a strong power weapon.

    Magnum - A good secondary starting weapon, probably shouldn't be placed on the map though.

    Spike Grenades - With lower Health/Shields the flying spikes would be a lot more deadly even if you don't get a stick. A good secondary grenade.

    Fire bombs - These are almost tactical in that they temporarily block pathways. A good secondary grenade.

    Missile Pod - An incredibly powerful weapon, I'm not sure how it would work out in the new gametype

    Gravity Hammer - See Missile Pod

    Needler - This could potentially become a power weapon, a good substitute for the Brute Shot in this gametype.

    Virtually all equipment - I think the same limitations as normals maps with equipment apply in these maps simply because of the escape issues.

    Ghosts - Not much to say, a pretty normal vehicle.

    Choppers - See Ghost

    Prowlers - A REALLY good choice, the fact it can carry extra players will make a big impact on gameplay.

    Spartan Laser - I'm not sure if it should just be placed on just one map size. It might work out, but I wouldn't limit it to one map type.

    Fuel Rod - See Spartan Laser

    In addition to those weapons, I'd suggest a detached Plasma Cannon. You could spawn it upside down so I would have to be melee'd off. It would be a pretty interesting addition to the game. I'd also say that you make Plasma Grendaes be your primary grenade (replacing frags) and use Spike Grenades and Firebombs as your secondary grenade.
    #7 Krazy Kumquat, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  8. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Okay, I'm skeptical about PP and magnum starts. The Spiker isn't an option, sadly. Would a magnum be a good option for a starting weapon alone? What about the Needler? Although, I think the Needler would make for stale gameplay. What about SMG starts by themselves? I think if used right, Spiker and Plasma Rifle are more effective than SMGs, so it could work.

    Yeah, starting weapons seem to be my only block right now, since everything else about the game is going along really well.
  9. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    you do realize that bungle was an April fools joke, right?
  10. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I'd say go with SMG primary and Magnum secondary. Just don't place SMGs anywhere on the map, that way you can only get ammo if someone drops theres or they die. The Spiker would've been more interesting, but if you do it this way just flip the two. Have the Spiker a bit more rare, and the SMG only available at starts.
  11. Spawn of Saltine

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    I like the plasma rifle for the starting weapon, that or the spiker. In all reality, neither of the weapons are used much in matchmaking. This is from a random halo player across the country though, pay no mind to my 2 cents.
  12. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Yeah, but he's still trying to make a gametype that isn't all BRs...
  13. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Well, there is a BUNGLE group at that has 1000+ members. They even had BUNGLE tournament last Sunday. I heard it was pretty EXTREME.

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