Okay, its all great and all that ghost merge has come out but some very tricky items arent willing to ghost merge, such as shield doors and objective items, and any others I have not listed. Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
Don't ghost merge them. I wouldn't know how objective items would work anyway, seeing as they can't be set not spawn at start, or have a changeable respawn rate.
Its possible with teleporters. The spawn rate never doesnt actually matter. You just gotta be ****ing fast
shield doors you have to go about a different process, it's not that tricky, but I don't know it off the top of my head.
I believe if I remeber correctly, you place both on an immovable object, such as a double block, dummy them, delete the double block so they're floating, change the respawn time on one to never, grab a mancannon and make them fly away, grab the the shield door that respawns on thirty and change the run time minimum accordingly. I could be wrong, but I have done it once. I don't have the exact process memorized yet because I've yet to need a no clip shield door in one of my maps.
I just spawn them in spartan mode, that way they're already dummied. And, it can be done with anything.
Shield doors can be no clipped on some maps. I used a man cannon to dummy them, bu it's only worked on sandbox so far. It's not working on ghost town or foundry for me.
Press up on the d-pad and press x immediately after, you must be host. This will bring up the item list in spartan mode. When you spawn something from the item list while your a spartan it will be dummied. Then just dummy another of the same object, wait for the first one to disappear, and set run-time minimum as high as it will go.
It still takes waiting time, but it is definitely a more effective method. I highly suggest everyone use it.
To dummy spawn an object in Spartan mode, start out in moniter mode. Now, press X and Up on the D-pad almost consecutively. If you did it correct, you should have the forge menu up and be in spartan mode. Next time you have a problem, either read the tips (its in there) or just post a question on the actual homepage. Also, sheild doors can work following the processthat you use, it just takes a while to dummy them and you have to move them with a grav lift. Remember, tips help!
It's simple to no-clip shield doors, just spawn two of them while in spartan mode ^Use one of their methods, they should drop from the sky, and the tear drop should stilll be up there. Then just press 'X' one the first one you spawned, set it to never, grab the other one and wait, once the never one dissapears, set the run time and it should no-clip. I did it one my Rusting Shores racetrack several times, you don't have to use grav lifts or anything. I know this works on Longshore, not sure about other maps though, haven't tried yet.
This method works on any map that has placable shield doors, I am certain of it. I personally prefer this method as well seeing as everything that can possibly be dummied will get dummied correctly.
The method has already been stated three times. Don't be a dumbass. Why would you need to geomerge a weapon holder anyway?
It's the only method I use. They will despawn if you do it correctly. Just go read the thread on how to do it, it will fix your mistakes.