Epidemic II (Updated) Note: You can find the first pictures of Epidemic II on the bottom of the page. Heyho Forgehub, I want to introduce you to my first map on Forgehub and Sandbox (even though its not finshed and lookes more like a construction side than like a map) called Epidemic. Im working on Epidemic since Sandbox was released to the Puplic, since than, I build it on 3 different Places, invested more than 100 Hours and im still not done yet -.- ^^. Epidemic is made for Infection Only, its located in the Outskirts of Sandbox, its narrow, dark, angled, confusing and the whole third floor + the wall to stop players from escaping are still missing, the first and the second floor are basically done. Note: On the boddom left of each Screenshot you can see a little Overwiev of the Map with a simbol to show you where you are and where you are looking at. I hope all the Pictures are working, if not, message me please.
Dude, This Looks Sick. Looks Like Infection Is Going To Be Awesome On This. Invite Me If You Ever Have A Beta Test GT: Lil Devil9597
Might want to scale those images down so they fit on the screen...at least the first one. Also...the spelling is "symbol" not simbol. Enjoy.
This looks epic. Like, it looks like you took the time to pretend that you knew what you were doing, which once again, makes this mapp an epic win. Im aesthetically biased on this map, and regardless of how good it plays it just got itself reserved because it looks so freakin awesome.
Sad news for everybody who was looking forward to epidemic, after starting my box today all my saved content was gone, including epidemic =( Edit: Good news for everybody who is sad now, I just started Epimemic II ^_^
that's sad since it looked really sick. I'm not sure if it works since i never tried it before but i read a post a while back where you could go into you dashboard and download recent saves of your own content onto a memory card and resave it to your account or something. Like i said i never did it but it may be worth looking into for recovering a lost map.
If you have a memory card, go to system settings, memory, games [or something similar], Halo 3, and all of you're past maps are there. I check and I had maps from when I first got Halo. Hit the item and copy to memory card. If not, good luck on V2
Don't use direct upload. Photobucket would be the way to go as they are very rarely down and have no crap hotlinking issues.. At the moment 90% the pictures, including your sig say 'DirectUpload.net No Hotlinking Allowed!' "Don't say f**k it. Use the bucket."
looking smexy man i love it more than the v1 lol you have to pm me when your gona be testing this it looks so dam epic
The map looks.. Well its hard to tell, i suggest you remove the FX in forge before taking the images next time, and as cool as it may seem to add more effects while in photoshop or whatever you use, it also distracts from the focal point of the picture. I'm sorry to hear that you lost all of the map in progress but you will learn from your mistakes and hopefully V2 will come out better then ever.