I just hope that with all this new forms of halo (comic book, animated series etc) that we don't loose the authenticity and original feel of halo. Seems to me like they're starting to milk it quite a lot, I won't be bothered as long as Bungie continue to make great games within the halo universe.
Overall, I'd be pretty satisfied if Reach ended up being the final Halo game. But at the same time, I wouldn't mind an extra spin-off or two (Arbiter game pleasepleaseplease). I don't feel like Master Chief's story needs to continue, though. I'm worried if we learn about the "legendary planet" and what happens to Chiefy post-Halo 3 it just won't feel like Halo.
Well idk I know 343Industry is people from Bungie but idk how halo it will feel with it not truly being Bungie behind the games. I'd love 2 more spin offs, maybe a covie one then like a regular marine one. And i like the cliff hanger ending actually. I havn't thought about that in a while lol too many halo odst and halo reach lol
I'd like to learn more about the forunners and precursors before the series ends. There are definitely some loose ends to tie off before halo disappears from the radar.
i would love for them to continue the series but they have to keep to the original halo feel. they need to make it interesting and not just make up story after story that will start to repeat and all that
they need to stop at reach and get rid of the comics and anime series. I guess the movie would be cool but they are milking it way too much and it people will begin to laugh at it. They are basically making it into a guitar hero or COD in the sense of selling.
If halo: helljumper is a marvel comic and Disney bought marvel then that means...... .... Oh my gawd, the protaganist will be donald duck in an odst helmet. This explains why you never hear or see the rookie without his helmet on. Now I am officially scared of ODSTs. Assuming it continues from ODSTs storyline anyway.
I'd love to see a a game based solely on the Covenant's history or just a time in it. The movie hasn't even been made yet. You've got no idea whether it's going to beegood or not as with everyone else.
It would be awesome if they made the halo movie and it was as good as say... the dark knight. But I think if they make it... it will be more like Transformers.
Anyone remember how bamf that promo was for ODST, just like that but with the MC in it as well. I think it will be the biggest hit sell out movie of ever haha. An Elite spinoff would be sick, i'd love to play as covenant and travel to different planets and see different classes of ship.
if i had control over everything, i would say: get rid of the shitty animated series, limit comic books, fidn the guys who did Distrcit 9 and have them do the Halo movie, release Reach, release a pre- through post- halo series covie game (before halo 1 and a bit after halo 3, cleaning up), and release a game as the forerunners/precursors that ends with the halo detonation caused by the player himself. this makes some pretty nice irony: in the first 3 halo games, you are trying to stop the detonation of the Halo rings, and in the final game you are trying to cause it.
Uhhh... you realize the exact opposite happened in the production of District 9? The director and producer and possibly other staff involved in production were originally hired to make a halo movie, but the project was put on hold and District 9 was made instead.
The first transformers or the second? Because the first, while not a great movie, was at least passable as such.
i thought both transformers were good. i dont know why everyone has to hate movies for no reason. name 3 reasons you did not like transformers movies?
Yeah but the halo movie has been on hold for like what 5 years now. And i bet the producer of D9 is already started on the next movie to show what finally happens. My expectation is they come back and kick some ass but save whats his name the main character. (that's all im a say cause i bet some of ya'll havn't seen it yet)
they are milimg it now there going to become like metalica- all about the money, no quality but i hope they dont and im interested in the comics that they say im too cheap to buy them bi-/weekly so would enyone scan/find it on the internet and post it up here or would that be ilegal