Dead On the Floor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Organite, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Dead On the Floor
    So, I sat and wondered to myself the other night, 'Why do I continue to make maps like this?' I had actually started on another one in Foundry a couple nights before I decided to redo this one. Then I came to the realization that I make these kinda maps because I enjoy making them. I tried the whole make a standard Halo slayer or objective map, and they just became so redundant. Then I remembered how much I enjoyed Left 4 Dead's versus mode, or even Perfect Dark's counter-ops mode: Where a group of players are trying to reach an objective and another group is trying to prevent the other from reaching their destination. It always seemed like a much more strategic way to immerse yourself in a competitive multiplayer match rather than jumping into a mob guns blazing, knowing you're going to die but hoping you take down a few people in the meantime. So to anyone who is getting tired of these kind of maps, or thinks they're stupid, I disagree. But, to the guy who likes to engage in a more tactical, team-based, 'campaignish' type Halo multiplayer map, I give you Dead On the Floor.

    To anyone who's looked at this map before I posted it here, everything is just about the same, but most of the map was picked apart and redone, ex: you don't have to wait to leave the start room, blocks don't fall in holey room, you can now backtrack into the sewers if you need to, you no longer end in a two story building, zombie spawns have been condensed, and zombies can no longer easily break the map.
    The premise of the game is pretty simple: move until you can no longer move forward, then survive the infected onslaught. You'll start with an SMG and will come upon other weapons and equipment as you progress. Kill the green guys with swords or the red guys with hammers. And if one thing remains true above anything, watch your ass! One bash to your six will have you taking a dirt nap.

    Download Map Here

    Download Gametype Here

    The Floor
    The map itself has 5 parts: The Alleys, Courthouse, Sewers, Highway, and Armory, repectively.
    A little bit about each part:
    The Alleys: the first obstacle for the survivors. There are two spawn points above the buildings and beneath the floor for the zombies. As a survivor, your best chance is in the holey room mentioned earlier. Though zombies can come up from each corner of the floor, it's much better for them to come up on you rather than down from the buildings. After one minute a gravity lift will spawn allowing you to proceed. It also gets darker.

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    [​IMG]The Alley

    Courthouse: This simple, mostly aesthetic part of the map is relatively easy to pass as a survivor, but if you're not careful, zombies can corner you since you can't backtrack to the alley. Also, if you fail to destroy the gravity lift, they can easily come up behind you as well. Proceed up the ramp and into the...

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152 and weights 218KB.

    Sewers: This part can be easy or pure hell for surivors. Which one it is depends on how organized the infected forces are. There are three ways to enter the sewer and only one way out. Overwhelm odds are pretty high, especially with multiple zombies, but if you defy those odds you can ascend out of those reeking pipes.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152 and weights 236KB.

    Highway: Is a relatively open area beneath the highway. The survivors must wait until 2 minutes are left on the clock before they can proceed on to the highway. You'll get a battle rifle making zombies easier to kill. Since this is the case, zombies must result to a bit more strategy now. One of the survivors can now take you out easily making the barriers placed throughout imperative to your consummation of the humans. ==I have been informed that somewhere around here you can break the map as a zombie. I am working on fixing that.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152 and weights 181KB.

    Armory: After your short trek on the highway, you'll once again descend below it near the armory and a conveniently placed weapon shop ripe for the looting. There isn't much to this zone but it is the last stand for the survivors and it only gets worse when the Laser Boss zombie spawns with one minute left.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152 and weights 188KB.
    [​IMG]The Armory

    the round ends either when the survivors defeat the Laser Boss and live until time runs out, or if all the humans are infected. Rinse, wash, and repeat for 4 rounds. Game Over.

    [​IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1536x1152 and weights 189KB.

    The Laser Zombie does good from long range but can't take much more than a regular zombie.

    So I don't really have much more to say about this map. This is my first post not on the database so this is kind of a test run.
    I'd like some feedback: compliments, constructive criticism, improvements, and suggestions are always appreciated.

    thanks, bye.
    #1 Organite, Oct 12, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  2. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    Um, I'm pretty sure I've seen this posted already...
    As for the map, It seems kinda like you just threw some items into a pile in some areas, but it also looks like you spent some time on other areas. (Nice aesthetics in some areas) Hmmm...
    I can't speak for the gameplay personally, but it reminds me a bit of Minotaur on Peasant Hunt, where you ran about aimlessly while the minotaur tracked you down in a confusing maze. Fun game though. That's the basic idea I get from this. I'll give it a download and see how it goes then.

    P.S. Armories are often frowned upon at ForgeHub, just so you know.
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    He said he picked apart a lot of the map, but I can't judge on that since I haven't seen the original.

    But personally, I like how you move on to different stages of the map over time. Do you mind if you edit it and put in some info about the gametype? Some parts of the map look like you randomly threw objects into a pile, unless it is supposed to look like a wreck, then I understand.

    Forgehub, Lemons, and I frown on your armory. In fact...
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    wait... what's wrong with armories?

    and the pile is supposed to be a wreck. It looked better than neat, random walls in an 'overrun' city

    and as far as you seeing this map before, i posted it on the database like two weeks ago. i just figured out that the forums get more feedback. sadly i was hoping for more =(
    #4 Organite, Oct 12, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009

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