Nice depth and stuff, But the checkers are pretty +o( Maybe if you had the checkers just around the dudes body, it might helpo the blending a bit. Try just the checkers around his body, And maybe add some text Edit: Didnt see the text, Should make it more visible
make clipping masks of the checkers and then play with the brightness and stuff...It might make them look better.
Im using photoshop. how do you make a clipping mask in photoshop? And ill edit the text. i realized after i posted it that it wasnt the easiest think to see.
Clipping masks are very easy in Photoshop. Make a new layer and brush/apply the areas you want exposed in all black (just because that is easy... you could do other colors, but it really doesn't matter). Then, make a new layer on top of that, with the stuff you want clipped. Finally, Alt-click the line between the two layers, and voila! Done.