Made completely from scratch, except for the concrete texture. Text is faux-3D (made in PS CS3 using certain methods). 1920x1080 resolution. Feel free to resize and use. Comment please. Original in spoiler. Please view new versions a few lines down. Spoiler (If you don't know what Noir is: EDIT: Ok guys, I've made two new versions. The first new version has next textures so that it doesn't look as 'low quality', which some people mentioned was a problem. The second new version has the same textures as the first new version (right above), but has a broken lamppost with glass fragments on the letters and ground.
wow guys.. 40 views? first thing, the shadows make it very intense. great job. you did a good job of making a 3d image (not just the text, the BG as well), and i love the flare of it.. (yes i mean flare not flair) i really like these simplistic walls with a single focal in the center such as this, good job
I really like the style of this piece. The bold lighting is very striking and very cool. The one thing I would say is that all of the vertical black lines (which I am assuming are shadows) should probably all disappear at one point...
I think adding human silhouettes or shadows might add to the film noir well as adding high contrast in the letters, an excellent example of noir. overall very good though.
I'd experiment with different colour tones. With the searing white, it all looks a bit clean. Perhaps try a sandier, orange colour, although this may require editing quite a lot of the wallpaper. Also i don't think the font is very good at all. Looks like impact, but i think you could fine a much cleaner, blocky font on dafont. Finally it doesn't look like the conrete you used for the floor expands as it gets lower like the shadow does. It's kind of misleading.
No, I'm not going to use other color tones. Noir is black and white. And those lines aren't supposed to be shadows really. They're really just effect lines.
Ok guys, I've made two new versions. The first new version has next textures so that it doesn't look as 'low quality', which some people mentioned was a problem. The second new version has the same textures as the first new version (right above), but has a broken lamppost with glass fragments on the letters and ground.
I love the addition of the lamppost, but I do not like how the contrast seems reduced from the original. A big part of film noir is high contrast shadowy lighting.
It's not reduced. It's pretty much the same, but maybe with more grays because of the different texture.
Ahh, that makes sense. Either way the addition of the lamppost was good, I felt it added extra flair to the image, without seeming over the top.
the lamppost looks good, but it might be vectored (though that would make the broken glass pointless) also, it looks like your texture you left on the 3d part of the letter (on top)... was that intentional? and the base of the lamppost is blended fairly well, but still looks a little weird. i do like the concepts you are implimenting though, good job
The lamppost is a nice addition, it gives it that little bit of extra character... You could also add a few more silhouettes, but that would take away from the simplicity of the piece, which I really like...