Probably seems like a random question, but yea. I bought a pair of black jeans the other day, which i really like. They fit really nice, until you shine them in direct light, where they appear quite glossy and metallic. My question is simple. Is there a successful way to remove this glossy effect from the colour, without haming the colour itself? I have washed them once already and the shine appears to be fading, but it's still pretty prominant. Some searches have found these, but i could do with a bit of advice before i potentially ruin these.
or try washing them a few more times, it should come out after 4-5 washes. Or at least fade to the point where it's not noticable.
Yeah but with shiny jeans everybody will look at you and you can have all the attention in the world. You should get some lime green pants too.
Fasion isn't about drawing attention. It's about expression, and being subtle while remaining individual.
Uhm, no. Quit ****ing spamming Dow, if you don't have anything helpful to say get the **** out. Fashion* Anyway, to help you with this problem.. did you try any of the suggestions you found on google so far?
I have a similar pair of jeans that are grey and sometimes whilst wearing them I look at them and think 'They're a bit too shiny for causal wear'.So now I just wear them on nights out. With regards to removing the shinyness, mutliple washes seems the simplest and cheapest option. Also if you start rubbing all sorts of crap onto them you'll probably ruin the fabric.
There also is a difference between shiny and cross dresser pants, dow seems to have crossed that line. I'd say just keep washing them dude, rubbing random **** on your pants can't be good for them.
He doesn't want to potentially ruin his pants. Washing or brushing the pants seems to be a safe bet. Just curious, how much did they cost?
Are they like actual Jeans made from the material Jeans are made from. Because Steam does not affect the clothing and neither should alcohol. Steam is just hot water check the little tags that are attached to it to find out what it is.
Bristly brush should do the trick, after damping. I could be wrong, but i think one of my friends did something similar last halloween because he was almost like a mirrorball... But I think this should work, provided you don't go vigorously enough to burn straight through it...
1. Fashion, grammar is the gateway to success 2. Black jeans are not unique or a personal style, if I had nickel for every pair... 3. When using ammonia on pants, mix with bleach to get the greatest effect. I've seen it done that way many times.