I drew this picture about 6 months ago, and it went to the Minnesota Congressional competition, It didn't win (because paintings look naturally better) but Im VERY proud of this. I spent about 40 hours on this one drawing,and its about 12 x 18. This is me standing next to congressman Erik Paulson I don't know why I really posted this, I'm bored and trying to dodge homework, so I posted it. I'll try to get better lighting tomorrow, its dark here...
It's a great drawing, but drawing your face like that makes me laugh, just cause of the pose. Anyways, great work though, it shows you're quite skilled, I could never do something like that.
holy ****ING ****. wow thats amazing for a hand drawing. I'm decent at drawing but could never hope to do that.
For a minute there i was wondering where the hell the drawing was. It looks so good! Keep up the great work man!
i actually thought the drawing was a stylized pic of yourself! thats awesome. I wish I could draw that well....:'(
Holy...****ing...****. I would've quoted Hari since he sums up my thoughts, but he didn't add the "****ing" which is necessary for something of this magnitude.
Not gonna lie... I did NOT imagine you to look like this at all. Maybe it's because of your misleading xbl avatar...Actually tbh it looks more like the congressman. Anyways, I probably couldn't draw like this in a lifetime awesome drawing dude.