Zstrike's Forgerific Map Pack vol. 1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Pigglez, Apr 15, 2008.


What do you think of the Forgerific Map Pack vol 1?

  1. Its sick!!!

    1 vote(s)
  2. alright...

    0 vote(s)
  3. wouldnt say its amazing...

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  4. no

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  5. Ewww....

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  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Zstrike13 Presents:
    In association with SniperSR25 and some other less important people...

    Zstrike13's Forgerific Map Pack vol. 1

    Hello there. After about a 2 months on ForgeHub, I've made six FORGERIFIC maps. Now is the time i feel for them to come together as one pack. This pack includes 5 of those six maps. (One just plain sucked and the pics were lost) These include:
    180: Battleground ZERO
    Base Raiders
    X-Men: Halonaut
    Ancient Coliseum

    Yes that's right, now you can have all five of these maps for the price of one thread!!!​

    Now, onto the maps...​

    Note that this thread only contains 2 of the maps in what I feel is the order of best map, going from 5 being least best to 1 being greatest. This doesnt mean the two in this thread are bad, theyre just not my favs...

    #5- 180: Battleground ZERO:​

    Get Map here: 180
    Get Gametype Here: Battleground

    You're part of an elite Spec Ops team sent in by the UNSC to do one task. Blow the base. Unfortunately, you're not alone. Now time is the enemy and speed, skill and precision are all that can help you now. Make your way through the beginning great maze, quickly spinning around every turn until you make it to the 2nd level. The other team is here and they want your bomb. Rush into the battle and defend your team as you try to make your way to the bomb. Grab it and the Ninja armor, head into the ZERO grav launch pad and jump into victory. But beware, success comes at a heavy price...

    180 is a different type of assault game. Each team spawns in their own base and quickly must run up the stairway and drop into the maze below. Now you and your team must navigate its turns and corners to reach a mancannon that will boost you up to the Bridge above. Snipers lay here and you must be careful navigating the bridge. Use the barriers going along it to stay alive. Next, players fall into the battle field where grenades and equipment lay scattered below. Now use your wits and skill and race into the hallway in the middle where you will find the bomb at the end. Quickly race back to the battle field and then head straight into the mancannons to be launched to the tower. Climb it some more and drop into the pit at the end to plant the bomb and win. However, there is a catch. The pit has a time limit. Fail to get the bomb to the pit in under 180 seconds and you will be blocked from entering. Good luck.
    The premise behind 180 is to make assault a challenge, and not a simple game of grab and go. The grav lift that spawns and blocks the pit on the tower adds a sense of urge that forces players to move and react quickly to their surroundings. You will find while playing that sometimes players focus even less on the killing and more on the game.
    Weapons on map:

    Snipers: 6 (3 on each bridge)
    Battle Rifles: 4 (2 on each bridge)
    Rocket Launchers: 2 (1 on each bridge)
    Assault Rifles: Starting Weapons
    Machine Gun Turrets: 2 (1 on each bridge)
    Plasma Turrets: 2 (1 on each bridge)
    Shotguns: 2 (In the Tunnel)
    Magnums: Starting Weapons
    Plasma Grenades: 4-scattered
    Spike Grenades: 4-scattered
    Fire Bombs: 4-scattered
    All Equipment: 2 of each- scattered


    Overview 1- Battleground ZERO

    Player begins in base, view of stairs leading to entrance...

    View of ZERO Grav Launch Pad

    Tunnel leading to bomb at end, also, sword spawn atop tunnel

    Player reaches bomb, shotgun to his left (tough to see) and behind at right

    Bomb Plant Atop tower

    View of Battle Ground ZERO, ZERO grav launch pad and Tower Bridge w/ sword

    SNIPED!!! Also, view of rockets, BR's and turrets and Battleground

    Player Destroys fusion coils w/ turret from bridge... BOOM!!

    180- player failed to reach bomb plant in time limit- Grav lift blocks entrance

    Overview 2- Fortresses

    #4- Base Raiders:

    Download Map Here: Base Raiders
    Download Gametype Here: BOMBvoyage
    (Gameplay challenge: if you want a more challenging game, try lowering the shields to none so its a more SWAT like game, just don't get rid of weapons on map or the game won't play right!)

    The ancient Mayans were known for their great civilizations and buildings. Now, the year is 2632, 353 Guilty Spark, the new version of the 343 Guilty Spark, and some archaeologists have dug up one of the last remaining shrines from the Mayan past. They are the Shrine of Power and the Shrine of Facade. Each holds its own mystical power. However, before they could stop it, a price has been paid for the demolition of each shrine. With nothing else to do, the archaeologists have agreed (unwillingly). However, they have a plan. If they destroy only one, then the other will be saved. As one team of arcaheologists, fight hard to destroy the other shrine and save your own. BOMBvoyage.


    Base Raiders is an assault game to be played with its specific gametype, BOMBvoyage. As one team of archaeologists, you must work to destroy the other base. However, you begin with limited ammo, a weak weapon and no nades. Luckily, scattered across the map are items and weapons that will assist you in your explosive job.

    Weapons on Map:
    Magnums- starting
    Rocket Launcher- 1
    Shotgun- 2
    Battle Rifle- 2
    Machine Gun Turrets: 4
    Sniper Rifles: 4
    Energy Swords- 1
    Plasma Grenades: 4
    Spike Grenades: 4
    Bubble Shields: 1
    Regenerator: 1
    Grav Lifts: 4
    Fire Bomb Grenades: 4

    Vehicles on Map:
    Mongeese: 6
    Hornets: 1
    Banshees: 1

    Tips and Strategies:

    There are three ways to destroy the bases. Since you don't spawn with grenades and only have a magnum, you must find things to use. As you may have noticed in the weapons on map section, there are hardly any extremely destructive weapons. I was going for this to make sure there is no extremely easy way to do this. Mostly, grenades on map and rockets are it. The turrets could help but they are in no positions where they can be useful to blow up the base, just for defensive reasons.
    - Hornet/Banshee: Easily the hardest way to go, yet at the same time most effective against the bases. These vehicles are located just where you don't want them; way out in the mine fields. Luckily, i have supplied you with two ways to go. (3 if your stupid) The first is to use a grav lift and take the teleporter above the bomb spawn to land in the minefield. However, you land somewhat far still. To make it easier, each base has overshields. They don't last too long so don't dawdle if you get them. The second way, which might be easier, is to take a mongoose and drive into the minefield and to each vehicle and then switch vehicles. This is easier. The third way is to brave it and make a run for it... i don't reccomend this.
    -Rocket Launcher: The RL is slightly easier to get, yet pretty dangerous. It spawns beneath the teleporter and bomb spawn in a room blocked off by supply cases and engulfed with fusion coils. Obviously, make sure no one is around if you jump into this pit. Once you have the rocket, there are two ways to get out. If you have the fortune of having a grav lift, use it now and jump out. If you dont, smash away at the supply cases until they give way and run to freedom.
    -Grenades: This third approach is definitely easire, yet of course, not as powerful. Grenades of all types spawn across the map in tunnels and against walls. If you can get some and reach the other bases, use them to take it down... the bases will take a few hits though.

    View of one base (each are identical)

    Turrets at one base, also, teleporter in backround above bomb spawn

    View of each lift to overshields

    Bomb Spawn
    Rocket Launcher spawn... watch those fusion coils!!!

    Banshee bombs down base

    Arming... arming...

    GOT IT!!! BOMBvoyage ***ES!!!


    Look for Vol. 2 with the other 3 maps!!!
    Please leave feedback, I love getting feedback and learning more on what I can change and improve in my maps... thx!!!


  2. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember this did I see it already?

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ya youalready posted this right i swear i saw it before?
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    see what? the pack or the maps? The maps uve probly seen, if ur talking about the pack, theres a second one so u may have seen tht...

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