Map- Sandbox # Of Players- 1 Player recommended, although it’s fun with up to four people Creator- Dr TecH Ex IMPORTANT~ V2 Is Now Up, Please Re-Download! Previously on “Valium 10mg” ~ [Male Medic] Tech? Tech! Tech... Tech800, can you hear my voice? OK he's not responding I'm gonna need an 18 gauge left AC right away [Female Medic] Uh, BP is 90 over 12, respiration's at 8 OK I'm tubing him [Male Medic] DMC this is medic 41 [Voice over radio] Medic 41, this is DMC base, go ahead [Female Medic] He's cold, spike him back and grab the back board [Male Medic] OK, got it, on 3... 1, 2, 3 Hu-let's move... D.M.C we have a teenage male found down, unresponsive. Possible over dose, substance unknown; pulse is 60 and ready respiration is 8. He’s incubated, and were bagging him now, uh B.P 90 over pout patient cool, pail, and diabetic. Is aspirated, uh G.S.E is 3, we’ll update in route, E.T.A is 10 minutes. Description- This is my last puzzle map (the end of my solo maps), also the conclusion to the “Pill Series”. I’ve demoted a whole lotta my time into this map to make every challenge fun to do and at the same time, requires some thought. The hub of the map was built in a new kind of check point that is completely original. Although, if this hub idea was used previously (which I don’t think so) then I’m very sorry. Most of the ideas in this map are new, you haven’t seen them yet. One more thing before I get into a story, if you don’t understand the meaning of the map name, here’s the reasoning of the name – first there was “Extacy”, which was a foundry map that started the Pill Series. Next there was “Valium 10mg”, this map was on Sandbox, and in between these two maps were other maps I came out with that had nothing to do with this series. Finally, there is “Rehab”; it’s time for the addict to go get help. Plot- Guy talking- It was a struggle to go through, but then I got 60 days clean. And that’s all I have for today. . . Councilor/Doctor- Great, it feels like you opened up more than last time, next session we’ll talk about your home life, maybe we’ll be able to dissect it all to discover why it is you started. . . Best be on your way Bradly, I have other patients to see today Brad- Thanks so much doc. (Door opens, and Tech walks in) Councilor/Doctor- Morning Tech. Tech- Morning doc. Dr- So you’re being discharged today? What are you feeling? Tech- Right now I’m feeling anxious, to. . . Get back home, and, show myself back in the world, kinda, get back into reality again. . . Nervous Dr- Nervous? Come on now Tech, you’re a big boy now, you sound a bit of a baby, are you not ready? Tech- No, no, I’m definitely ready, it’s just, I’ve been away for so long I’m not for sure how everyone will reply when I tell them about my drug problem. . . Dr- ‘Bout your previous drug problem, and if it’ll make you feel better you can keep everything between us. Tech- Yeah, well I mean, it’s been months and, well. . . Dr- Is there anything else you’re thinking about? Tech- Well, I would have to start learnin the steps and bein able to apply ‘em and use ‘em to cope with every day life Dr- the Steps? Tech- Yeah, all the steps. Dr- There’s a lot of them aren’t there? Tech- Well, twelve. Dr- Holy F***, I don’t even know that many Tech- Really? Dr- Anymore? Tech- Well, the only other question I really have is, what if, I find myself in a situation, like maybe perhaps at a party, and everyone’s drinkin around me, or. . . Dr- Then take a drink Tech- Take a drink? Man if I have a drink I already know what that’s gonna lead me to. . . Dr- What, you mean these (Pulls out a bottle of pills) Tech- Now what the F***!? Dr- What’s the matter Tech? Don’t quite remember what it was like? Tech- Now F*** you man! No! Dr- What’s the matter darling you having some doubts on me? Why don’t you just take one Tech? Tech- No! No! F*** you MuthaF****a!! Dr- You can’t give up on me now Tech; we’ll always be together Tech, Tech, Tech, and TeeeeeChhhHH!!! (Wakes up with three bottle of pills empty and Alarm clock buzzing) Tech- Oh ****! Pictures Testers Mander A1 YEE MAN IZ BAK Merrifeild69 Jmen77 Butrupt Actual Glory After Effort- At first, Geo-merging was something I did not intend on doing in this map. However, I saw this map called “Harsh Winds”, created by YEE MAN IZ BAK. That map had an incredible amount of Geo’s, and right when I saw that, I knew I had to incorporate that into Rehab. If anyone does happen to notice them, they’re probably not as good as his, but I tried. Good enough for a first timer on Sandbox. The Beginning- At first this map started out as just an idea, because Valium was gonna be the last of my puzzles. Although then I started getting so overwhelmed with Paratroxity. So I took about a one week break from it and during that week I started on “Rehab”. Never touched this map until a month later. That’s when he realized how patient they’ve been waiting for Pinocchio to poke his nose back into the puzzle community as they know; puzzles will never be the same as before. So for one last time. . . He brings you his last puzzle map. And now he’s sober Shout Out's- To jmen77, if it wasn’t for him I would have not been inspired to use the sandbox skull, I invented the idea, however he told me to use the skull. Also To YEE MAN for the Rehab picture, and also for walking me through how to hyperlink pictures. Haha, Thanks Homes! Also, to the original writer of the stories (Eminem), And last but not least, to mander A1, I used a challenge very simillar to his and he let me get away with that. It was the hornet challenge, Thanks mander! I hope all of you like this map as much as I did making it (yeah right); give me comments, ratings or questions about the map. Also feel free to hit me up on live
ive read through and tbh im not really one for puzzle maps but your forging looks fab. i read your story and i think it would have better used in a vip map, where you have to move the sick patient (vip) to the hosital (destination) or soomething
This looks very well made, well posted, and very nicely done, Tech I have really enjoyed your pill series maps. I had a lot of fun playing this map before it got released. This map is hard and has new ideals I haven’t seen before so great job on that. The hub is what makes this map so appealing, the fundamentals on how you engineered the checkpoint system was nice. You manage to switch it up differently on every tele by blocking it with different objects. The map seems to also have a good length of challenges, im currently on the 3rd room. Over all this puzzle map met my expectations 5/5
Awesome map Tech, I love your wacky stories in the description. I have yet to beat it, but I can tell that the experience is going to be epic. 5/5 for rehabilitating my interest in puzzles.
woohooo.. another puzzle map by tech and its sure to be epic.. Well from what i have experienced from your other maps that its not going to be easy. But can't wait to try it. And from what i can see it looks a little different. 4.5/5 GO TECHH!
Yeah you're right, it does look like he changed up his style. Anyways, awesome looking map TecH!! I've been looking forward to this map ever since I saw the preview on and now that it's out with all the pictures it looks even more epic. Great story too, but does this really have to be your last map?
Oh cool, another map by a Paradox Forger. I cannot wait to play this. Nice job from what I can tell from the pics.
Great map t3chh! I love how everything connects together, it just seems like the whole map in general has a nice flow. I've made it to about the 11th picture and I am just completley clueless. Overall though great forge and I love the geo's you did, I took it for a spin in forge and happened to notice them! 5/5
HI, Drug rehabilitation tends to address a stated twofold nature of drug dependency: physical and psychological dependency. Physical dependency involves a detoxification process to cope with withdrawal symptoms from regular use of a drug. With regular use of many drugs, legal or otherwise, the brain gradually adapts to the presence of the drug so the desired effect is minimal. Apparently normal functioning of the user may be observed, despite being under the influence of the drug. Thank you.....
I love your maps Tech, and theres a reason your my favorite paradox forger (map wise) it's because of each unique challenge you put in your maps.
This is a great map until the pallet jump part. I tried for over an hour to get it, but couldn't. You really should change that part or put in a checkpoint. Nice map otherwise though. 8/10
Yes, the pallet jump part is rather difficult, it all counts on timing it right! A lot of people really do get stuck on that part for quite some time. To Starfox, this is not my last map, now that I have changed my gamer tag I need one more map that goes under that name and then I think I'm done, and the next "Solo" won't really be much of my solo map because I will be featuring people on it, the map name will be Relapse. But after that I'm totally up for being featured on peoples maps and doing collabs.
WOW Really... give credits to where they deserve. The whole entire story was not from you. GIVE CREDITS TO RELAPSE. This is from Eminems Album.
Yeah, that was kinda the point, thanks for pointing this out! But what you have failed to realize, is I did give credit, under the shout outs. Please actually read untill you judge. Stupid Lil Wayne **** rider
this is a really great map, problem is all I can see of it is the first puzzle because I can't get past there (any hints). Good forging.