I just watched this, and I almost pissed myself laughing. No ****in' joke. This just made my day. If you've always hated those annoying "Only $19.95!" TV ads, this will make your day too. OMFG I gotta watch it again. YouTube - Slap Chop Dub
I've had this as a ring tone for a few weeks now, if you want some funny remixes look at his other videos.
lol you guys need to watch teeside tin tin... well cant give you the link without it embedding.. so.. ONLY WATCH THIS IF YOUR OLD ENOUGH! ITS GOT VERY BAD LANGUAGE!!!!! YouTube - Teesside Tin tin F you enjoy
all the videos are great the first ine with the slap slap but the last one wow that was fandom but still funny but u might get and infraction for it
yeah, i really just wanted to post a link to it.. Teeside Tin Tin dubs are amazing though.. Ive sat and watched the cartoons through.. the guys who do it are geniuses.. Just a shame i can only put the video on here and risk getting an infraction Apologies in advance to any moderators who do find this inappropriate
yeah well it was worth it for the sake of others, maybe if your lucky the moderators will love it and forgive u
lol yeah, hopefully they will You should watch all their episodes.. theres like 60 or something ranging from about 30s long to 4 minutes.. theyre reallly realllllyy good. lol another good one YouTube - Teesside Tin Tin - 16