I need a few film clips rendered in HD. This is for a project Insane and I are working on and it would be must appreciated if someone could help out. I have two clips (5th and 6th slots) that need to be rendered on my fileshare right now and one more that I will put on when those two are rendered. Thanks, AmercanPsycho Link to my fileshare: Fileshare
Skype works. Cap the 5 and 6 slots and then let me know when to get the other one. Skype = AmercanPsycho
ah.. can anyone tell me what the difference is between capturing and rendering? :S I know of a few people who can capture in HD/SD for free aswell.. on a different website though. I dont remember the rules on other website advertising.. so i wont say where lol
American, I wass talking to my Cap'r A Bit ago and he said he can do it, But then he got bitchy, I just sent him a message. I'll post here to tell you if he will.
Don't worry about it dude. Pegasi's going to help me out! I can only cap in SD until I get my HD cap card. Insane wants the best quality and tbh, I do too! EDIT: :lock:?