Mythic II DLC The Port

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by n00bsk00lbus309, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    The Port

    Arsonist n00bskoolbus

    "History of shipwrecks haunt this very port. Some say it's not an accident... Clue 6-16 players n00bsk00lbus309 and JestMx"

    Clue Rules

    * In the pre-game lobby, God (first party leader) decides upon a killer (or

    two, depending on party size).
    * God then sends a text message to the killer to inform him (“you” works well). The

    killer will send a text message back confirming that he understands he is the killer

    (“k” will suffice)
    * The killer may not kill until god has picked up the ball. This is because when the

    ball is held, there is no ____ was killed by ____ messages in game
    * No one can shoot, throw grenades, or melee anything or anyone unless you are the

    killer, or you physically see someone else commit one of these actions. Then you may

    take action against the offender, or defend yourself. These actions are considered

    violent actions, and will get you killed. The most “violent action” you can do is

    charge your plasma pistol (if you have one)… however you cannot charge a laser.
    * The killer tries to isolate people, and kill them off one by one, unnoticed. No one

    knows who the killer is except for God, and his victims (who cannot say or hint to who

    killed them, or with what weapon.. youre dead, act like it.).
    * If the killer kills off everyone else, he wins, and is the new God.
    * If the killer fails and gets killed while trying to kill someone, the player who

    killed the killer is the new God.
    * If there are two killers, and they kill off everyone else, they then battle each

    other for the God position.
    * Last one standing is God.
    * If the killer dies, inform the party leader so he can end the game, and start a new

    one. In the new pre-game lobby, God chooses a new killer, and repeat.

    Welcome back, to another one of our clue maps! The Port is a map using one half of Longshore, and it took a few days to forge, on and off. Like in the Terminal, there are a lot of hidden areas, although this time they are easier to find. The power weapons, however require some hunting to find, as we hid time quite well, and some weapons you can only "jump" to get to. We believe that this map plays very well for Clue, based on the testing sessions we had, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.​


    Main Area

    Another angle of the Main Area

    Inside Rooms, Ball Spawn

    Recons's on a Boat!

    Where you shooting at bro?

    He's floating!? Shoot him!

    God hiding in the Cold Storage Area

    Sotha Sil156
    o Youtuber o
    mista tipsta
    Xx Taisho xX

    No special thanks to Pirates cause he no can haz $$$ so he no can haz ODST so he no can haz Halo 3 Mythic Disc so he no can haz Mythic II maps so he no can haz Longshore so he no can haz Clue map :(

  2. XTangent

    XTangent Ancient
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    Wow, great idea here. Reminds me of a game I played on IRC called Werewolf.

    Looks like this requires a lot of honor rules, whats the recommended number of players?

    Also, what does God do other than hold the ball?
  3. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes there are a few honor rules, the recomended is 6-16

    and all god does in game is hold the ball, in the lobby he selects the killer

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