need help updating a map, and building one!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by halomcownage, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. halomcownage

    halomcownage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey there, noob forger here! i usually come up with good ideas for a halo 3 forge, but i just suck at forging! FIRST of all i have one map that i did pretty good on (for my first map i ever made in halo 3) and was wanting someone to help me touch up on it. SECOND of all i am wanting to build sort of i would say a clan "lounge" and here is my idea:

    SPAWN in a room with sort of a counter which is where i guess a secretary would be. in the room would be a door (like in classroom) that would lead into the elevator room.

    ELEVATOR well i was really hoping i could have an elevator near exactly like devinish's when he/she made moon waffle (really good map) and that the elevator could go up and down as a hydrolic at the top of the elevator i think it should lead into a hallway/passageway that would lead to another door (like in classroom again) which would take you to the lounge

    LOUNGE well for the lounge i just want it to be open and have seats/couches and tables and a podium (for a speech) and maybe like a soccerball or something to play with while in the lounge

    thanks for your time! message me if you are interested in either of these projects!

    GT: Sh0ck an aw3

    PS: i cant post pics or links because my computer likes to be bitchy :lol:
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Holy **** what you are asking for would be like the most ungodly combonation of superpro switches ever!!! I dont even know if you have enough peices for it to be done! I guess I could see if I can some up with anything, but idk...
  3. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Hmmm ok so you want to build a clan house that has a lounge, meeting room and so on and so on hmm I could help you but i'm forging two maps well really one finished just not posted. Anyways no you don't suck at forging it's just that you haven't perfected it or you haven't attempted to use the tricks and everything, so it just takes some time to get good at forge. it just takes time and practice.
  4. halomcownage

    halomcownage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    aight man thanks
  5. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Ok umm do you want an advanced elevator or a simple one, simple one takes less pieces.
  6. halomcownage

    halomcownage Ancient
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    well i really like the one devinish made in Moon Waffle (you can search moon waffle for the map) and i really just want it to be like that one, the hydrolics the button on the outside the closing door etc... i mean the lounge and office could just be simple merging and geomerging using no clip, im thinking i want the elevator to be the most "amazing" part of the map
  7. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    Ok I'm going to read a step by step for the one in moon waffel
  8. halomcownage

    halomcownage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awesome that would be great!

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