YouTube - Elite-O-Sexual Halo 3 Machinima By A2X Alex i lawl'd and the second episode YouTube - Elite-O-Sexual 2: The Awakening Part One By A2X Alex (Halo 3 Machinima) part 2 YouTube - Elite-O-Sexual 2: The Awakening Part Two By A2X Alex (Halo 3 Machinima)
Unbeliveable. I mean beyond belief. I mean, I just don't believe it. My mind is just completely blown! (Hope someone catches the reference) 0:56 in the first vid brought me the closest to smiling out of both of them with the random outburst of pure anger, but apart from that I didn't find them funny, sorry. I suppose they must appeal to an audience who laugh at the mere mention of "sex" or "****", etc.
part 2 YouTube - Elite-O-Sexual 2: The Awakening Part Two By A2X Alex (Halo 3 Machinima) and yes its immature humour
Of course it is :lol:, that's what seems to appeal to the recent masses of new machinima watchers who probably only watch Digital Ph33r and have never heard of "Rooster Teeth", "Spriggs", etc. Not that I have anything against Digital Ph33r of course, I also watch his machinimas from time to time, I just feel that machinima nowadays can be vulgar, unoriginal and unsubtle (not saying that these videos you posted are necessarily). However some are deliberately so for comedic effect in some rare cases, such as "Gears of Theft Auto Halo 5" (or whatever it was called).
The Maker Hey guys, I'm the guy who made these Machinimas. First off, to those who said the voices were HORRIBLE, well, they are kinda ment to be bad (some of them). Especially the Elite character, you think that was a serious attempt at doing an elite females voice? Well I hope you picked up on that. Secondly to those who said about the joke types, I HAVE seen Red VS Blue and I am actaully a great fan of Rooster Teeth, but obviously I like JON CJG (and it shows). But my general comedy isnt **** jokes, the reason there are sex and **** jokes in that Machinima is because...well, its about being elite o sexual, I'm not gonna put racist jokes in am I? It fits with the content. And to those who thought it wasn't too bad well thank you, the first one was my very first attempt at proper machinima, and the sequels were made purely because my fans wanted them to be made. I personally hate Elite-O-Sexual 2 Part One, I like the second one but the original is my favourite of the 3. There will be a part three to the mini series and then thats it! I didn't want to make a sequel in the first place. I am very new to Machinima and only got a capture card about a month ago. So thanks for some of the constructive criticism (if there was any, **** you the ones that were just blindly hating)
I thought it was a sort of funny short film. I enjoyed the song at the end of the first one. You need new sets though. If you don;t have the next scene done, I can give you ideas and what not. I have a funy twist for the next one.