Yeah does anyone know if there has been a release of a budget glitched citadel. Im working on a conquest map but it will epic fail if i don't have like 4 extra objects.
I couldn't find a budget glitched map, but I did find Mason Cain's true Citadel canvas. I just suggest clean budget glitching it yourself. Here ya go...
yea the UBG maps dont do enything to the item limit you need a "true canvas" witch has all original items in one spot (originals dont go on the item limit)
I haven't seen a budget glitched Citidal but I'll keep on looking. If you really need those four more items then you could try budget glitching it yourself. Don't worry, from personal experiences it doesn't take that long. Also like Duckyz said if you hit the item limit you need a true canvas. You'll have to restart if that happened (it sucks if that happened, believe me, sorry )