Yeah yeah i know not very original but iv added a new twist, mostly its just alot more visually appealing. But there is added cover and new jumps as well as 2 new ramps making access to each base a little easier. Weapon specs: Battle Rifle - 4 at 20 second respawn Carbine - 2 at 20 second respawn Assault Rifle - 2 at 30 second respawn Mauler - 2 at 60 second respawn Sniper Rifle - 2 at 90 second respawn Smg - 4 30 second respawn I took rockets out there a little too over powering Active Camo - 1 at 120 second respawn Now for some delicious screen shots: Bottom blue hall Bottom red hall Blue base windows Red base windows Blue mauler hall Red mauler hall Red entrance Blue entrance Red entrance hall Blue entrance hall I really like the hallways they remind me of the h2 map Gemini that was kinda my inspiration for this map. And of course the DL : Citadel v2.0
First good on map I have seen on citidel. If I ever play Citidel 1v1 or something like that Im using this. You got yourself a download mate.
Can I ask why the windows are different for each side? It seems to be a highly competitive map and therefore such a difference will cause frustration.
Are the columns in the mauler alleys objets? Lol, sorry but I never checked the objets that are in Citadel... it looks nice...
Haha. wow. I totally did this (the ramp walk ways and blue window) about a week ago in a map I was working but going nowhere with. lol. Oh well, like I said it was really going nowhere. But anyway, very nice work. The only criticism I have is the rockets. It may be over powering to have it at all but if you are going to have them at least put on 2 min respawns, I'd say.
idk why i did the windows differently, i guess just to make it distinct which side you are on. It really doesn't play any different having them a little different. And yes i think i may just take out the rockets. Invis is enough of a power weapon in its self that having a rocket with 2 shots may be too chaotic. Anywho its the butt crack of dawn, it got college, i will update the map later today and put a new download.
Good looking map, I love playing 1v1 on Citadel. I'll DL this when i have room - How the hell do you get frustrated with windows?! When I play I tend not to look at the scenary and look for enemies around me.
you're stupid. If it werent for the fact that its spam, i would be done. On topic, the only thing that it looks like you did was go box overload, and make some really cool merges that probably took you no more than five minutes per box, or ten seconds if you ghosted. I cant really tell what you did weapon-wise, or spawn-wise, or if you even made changes so I gonna hafta go of this stuff, which doesnt make it seem like you put much effort into creating this. I will download and look at it right away, because the people here have been kind =) EDIT: Just looked at it, and it doesnt really have any problems. Its a very good update, and since you called it Citadel II, you did a stellar job keeping to it without changing it. I think its really good.
Thanks YoYo, yeah i wanted to keep it original but with a new twist. The windows make it a little harder to come and go and you have more cover to recharge your shield. For ctf idk what to do, no matter where you put the flag its basically impossible to stop the opposite team from capping it. This map is meant to be aesthetically pleasing while keeping to the competitive natrue it was built for. 2v2 i think would be perfect for this map, 4v4 on anything other than slayer in my mind is dull. I am going to try to make a nice 1v1 that limits the map considerably. And just for the sake of asking cause i thought i might have overkilled on the boxs so do you think it is overkill or just enough to make it more pleasing to the eye but not affect the gameplay too much?
I think this would play well, but no better than the default citadel. If you want to make a good map it really needs something to greatly improve something or do someting new. I'll download this anyways to see how it plays.
wow i have a map that is just like this except full windows some arches and less of the forrunner crates on the ramps
Yep, I have to say that this map is epic win for FFA. Just played it with BR snipes, insta-respawn, and seven people. The little things you do (like the ramp) just make the gameplay amazing.
Yeah i was playing some MLG ffa's on it as well and everyone seemed to like it, the ramps are just that extra cover spots so you can't get ass raped all the time. Im really glad ya'll are enjoying this map, true it didn't take alot of time to make but it did take alot of planning and making sure everything didn't have cracks that grenades could escape in.
Well not so much personally, I am just saying that the competitive community tends to see symmetrical maps that have slightly different geometry as unequal and possibly unfair to one team. Glad to see they have been changed though
Yeah in all honesty it really didn't play any differently but it does make it look better having both the windows the same way.