Okay, so obviously, this thread/competition is for fun. Maybe, depending on how well this goes over future competitions will have rewards. But at this point, it's for bragging rights and maybe a signature. Basically make a bad map and post between 3 and 6 pictures of it. Guidelines: Make it as noobtastic as possible. Humour helps, Originality also, Have fun. Post your entry in the thread as if you were submitting your own thread. Maps can be made on ANY map, DLC or PREDLC, knock yourself out. Entrees must be in by SUNDAY the 11th. example made by me (not actually going to be entered into the contest) ------------------------- Hey evrybody, It is NOXIW!!!!!!! and i m back with ANOTHER AWESOME MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this tiem its calld "LOLPOCALIPS" <---LOL IT WAS CALLED AWESOMELAND LOL BUT NOW IT'S LOLPOCALIPS Ill post picturs: I HOEP U NJOY THIS MAP. I WORKD AT LEAST LIKE 20 OR 30 MINITS ON IT. ----------------------- Basically, just have fun with this competition. I believe we'll all be getting some LOLZ out of it. once all the entrees are in, I'll request this thread to be locked, make a new thread with all the entrees and we'll vote for the winner!! Entrees must be in by SUNDAY the 11th. Have fun!
epitaph MlG ctF i bilt a map in epitaph that plays mlg ctf the pit v5 theirs a base at the end and a base at the uther end to were the falgs are and some weapons 2 kill the emeny with i put neeedlers feul rod guns turets sowrds and sum fire grenads and some sticky grenads 2 1 side has mor feul rod guns but thats just cus i ran out of them LOL also i put mongoos's becuz they make you go fast and cap flags better theniput some turrents at the top so u can c tha other base and pwn alot inless they get the stickys or fires grenads theres some baricades showing u were the middle is 2 so u dont get lost and i put some barrels in tatcical spots heres sum pics i hope u liek my map pleas download an rate 5 LOL hears the blu base i didnt put blue lites cuz they dont hav them on epitaph u can c the crate an the feul rods an the needler and the grvaity jump were u can get tactical jumps i mite have put it upside down by acident oops LOL an the flag is stuck to a mongoos her's the red base it looks yelo but its red this is the base that got alot ov the feul rod gunzz LOL cause i ran out liek i said b4 theres sum turrents there for dfence heres the middle with th e turrents and i put a firegun up their its a power weapon so its not on instant respwan liek the other gunz loL thats just a pic of sum tatcical spot barrels they exzplode wen u shoot them b carful LOL I ALMOST 4GOT also i 4got 2 menshun this erlier but i wanted to make tha spawns more constistent so i took them all out and the start spawns and i put crates on the stoopid spots u spawn even tho theirs no spawn points that makes me so MAD grr bungie LOL anyway becuz of that u never spawn on ur enemys LOL and they never spawn on u to get spawn killed i think the map plays better that way here s sum gameplay footage ---actual gameplay screenshot N E way their's my map i hope u like it its bettur than the bungie favs LOL Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details download an rate 5/5!!! LOL!
Mpa Nmae: Feechurz V28.4 Despritcion: Feechurz V28.4 are a prtety gud mpa i maked a wile aog an it iz a cul mpa on Alavanceh 4 mlg an it iz a gud mpa wit lotz ov brs an snpierz an rcoketz an molerz lol it iz in teh caev on Alavanceh lol it r teh best mpa i eevrd maed in mah hol lyf an it iz culest mpa eevr. Pitcrues:
Are you kidding me Pel? That map was teh win , especially with overboard. Who doesn't love spawning facing a cliff?
Bst mp eva dis r teh best map eva!!!!111! wen u spwn in slaya, u hav 90 secondz b4 teh mancannons spwn 2 reach teh god plac, nd u muzt stop teh othaz 1nc u win u wil get teh msg frum bungeh givin u reconz, but u muzt snd ur pssword as confimation dis r teh map picz w/ teh vheclz weponz equpmnt teh spwn plce (teh fuzion colz r all isntaspawn lol assult (teh bom plant r duz not wurk) CTF (doznt wurk) ovaviw (noat rly lol) wen teh fuzoin coilz go, dey cannt b stoppd nd wl kll u teh link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details p.s. if u dunt dwnload u r a nub
[SIZ="1337"]1337 M4P[/SIZE] descirption = this iz mi nuest map and it probs mi best so fahrr 2. brace yourselv 4 dis amaz1ng map. this iz te ovrview of te m4p. 1 syde is blu 1 syde is red. oh yeah it ctf m4p in case u 2 n00b to c dat. (and fl4g has 3 diff spawnn p01nt5 4 each base). there is a goss walrus that cant move in each base for dfences and a m4n c4nn0n to get 2 to bad guise fast. this is blu base...or red base...i forget w/e dusnt matter. da maine weapons are grav hammer and sn1p3r 4 both bases. and there is fushin kooils for extra splosions. i used nowix's sick glitch to make them spawn instantly. it hella fun. this is de ovar base gettin sploded. oh shi- i think i put one of the blocks the wrong way. stupdi game ima go play my ps3 after this anyway. this is the middel bridge. it haz a rawket lancher in the exact middel for peple with ballz to get and 2 m4n c4nn0n landing places. Act10n sh0tz m3 pwnin sum noob wif the flag. if you want to be 1337 and have r3c0nz liyek me il get u it 4 1200 MS paints. just s3nd me ur email and password in a msg. m3 pwnin dat same n00b with a secret weapon in the bases. oh yeh and i haz kataner 2 cuz im so pr0. il get u that 4 800 MS words or 400 MS powerpoints. 1337 M4P - Download rate 5/5
Such a win right there it is not even funny... I'll just post one of my xbox live friend's maps... Maybe MLG Material, if they still have it...
tranfsormers I bring u: bye me adn my causin QUOTE!!! "i really wanted to come up with that idea so taht me and my causin could make it. this is the result." DESCRIPTION!! so this map incloods; -a HUUUGE batle grounds when the bad vs the good side runs against each ohter -a socer arena -a raeely bad loooking random place my stoopid causin made guys this map is good. u mite be thinking i said that because i made it but no its cus it atcually is very good. i came up with the idae an d my big causin offered to help me, well nobody carse about the descriptoins so heres wwhere the real acti0n starts; PIXARS!! I did teh giant wall, vehicles, and eqiuppmement and my big causin affered to do the weapons ) attackers side: i did all of this part. i asked my causin to put 1 pistal here, but he said he watned to put 3... i dun kno why defenders side dun worry, ths guy gets 3 a pistal!1!!!1 D wats a leevel without exploasions>?? yes, i like to interloak i through a grenade at it and it emploded!!1 teh socer arena 1000% sealed off oh and i uzed a monay gliched map so i spawned a socor ball at teh beginningg and accetendally deleted it, so i coulnd spawn it anymoar and decided to replaec it with a spool thing oh and thsi is the sutupid retarded thign my big causin made at the begining, but i didnt like it.. then he got mad sort of and decided to helpz me w/ the waepons and stuff DOANLOAD!!!1!! CLIK HERE 2 DOANLOAD.!1 :D ;D
WINZ Yup, get a mop, I've been ROFLing all over the place. Reading through the submissions, here are the LOL lines I've found. (sad but true) FAV SPAWNZ EVAR I just couldn't help but lol. 1337 size? Win. Goss Walrus?? OMFG! I WANT RECONZ This whole damn post made me laugh my ass off. Oh gawd.
Here is my terrible map. I luv da eleepantz. But I couldn'ts decide awht to put onn dem soz I put evvverrryting I couldz. muuuwhhahahha. Damn box in da way! Dis map sux. We must rebel against the creatorz! Warning! Reactor Temperture rising melt down immenents! Have a nice day! Oooosss a tankk Wheressss am iz!? We have a hull breeech! I put soo much stuff on it it failed. Our sheilds arn't holding You make bansee madd!!!1 The matrixx! bullet dogde Maybe notz! Got ya bizacth (chopper) Reactor Failure complete! Tempurture well abov max! (Coololz) I can flyz!? Tailgating party! "Ignores bright ominouos light behind me" Can't touch this! Well thats all folks. Just to Heavy (and I do mean heavy, carriers) Add the lag, bad spawns and explosive materials on the elephants then Its easily terrible. They begged me to end it. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Almost forgot my link
Woops, I forgot to close this thread yesterday, Oh well, I don't think anyone would be upset if I add raptors into the competition even though it's late. Please close
Yeah I was having trouble with the shots but Its within that hour. This isn't really that official anyway. Please do I would like to see how I do.