Just saw it tonight. Loved it. It was a great rip on all zombie horror movies that shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as the shitty Scary/Epic/Date/Dance Movie flicks. It honestly reminded me of a Tarantino flick with the way everything was so subtly funny without trying to be and how all the violence was overdone, which was also funny at some points. If you're on the fence about seeing this film, I'd definitely say go see it. Discuss...
Agreed. Awesome movie. However, having over the top violence and text that appears on screen does not make it a Tarantino movie. I can see how it might make you think of that, but I really didn't think it had the slightest hint of Tarantino movie quality in there.
I saw it last weekend. Good movie, I recommend it as well... gave me some good laughs. Personally though, I felt that they spent too much time in Murray's crib. Although my main complaint would have been to keep the "zombie kill of the week" in the movie and not show it in the commercials. Would have been much more funny had I not seen it many times beforehand.
Hmmm, to each his own I suppose. I'm not saying it was like a carbon copy or anything, I just thought said bits of overdone violence, little text pop-ups, etc. reminded me of a Tarantino flick. Either way, it was a great movie, and I'd definitely go see it again. Maybe because I saw Inglorious Basterds only two weeks ago...meh oh well. And yeah, the whole stay at the Murray estate was kinda drawn out.
saw it last weekend, loved it. really funny, but awesome when it needs to be. clown head smashing is cool too. anyone else stay til after the credits? it was pretty funny. personally I liked it better than Inglorious Basterds.
Oh man I didn't stay for after the credits. But I thought it was really well done. I really liked the whole Bill thing though. But they gave away some of the best parts in the trailers.
There were either no zombies or giant hordes of them throughout the movie. It was also a repeated cycle of them getting betrayed by the two girls. I did not like it that much...
Inglorious Bastards made the Germans look Good. All I saw in the movie is Americans horrendously killing Germans and a french women burn 100's of people. That move made me prefer the ****'s which is sad...
Haven't seen it, just think tarantino is overrated. My comment was more in response to the guy who earlier said zombieland wasn't tarantino quality.
Saw it today. Then watched almost half of it again. It's a great movie. It really makes you wish there was a zombie apocalypse so you could do all the **** they are doing. Funny and disgusting with a splash of romance. What more could you want?