Rikuo Falls [Beta] - Working on cleaning it up now! Created by ST RIOT Supported Gametypes: Compatible with everything but territories Map Description This is a relatively small symmetrical map, with a base along opposite walls and a waterfall/pool running down the center. It is laid out in an oval, with a 'pool' in the middle. The majority of the ground floor is relatively open, with ' palm trees' (complete with coconuts) and the pool ridge for cover. A sniper perch can be scaled from the ground floor, across from the waterfall that feeds the pool. Each base is a small cave at the top of their respective walls, with two ramps/entrances and an escape chute. The trees create a dynamic cover element, but might also prove to get in the way too much. While the center pool is somewhat vulnerable to the surrounding walls, it should be easily defensible by ducking underwater, and the ridge around it provides a circular rampart cover system. The base access is designed with objectives in mind, providing relatively equal distance paths and opportunities for team work. The bases are neither easy to camp in nor easy to reach, so I hope they work. Mind the gap. A spanker or fuel rod will occasionally come down the waterfall and rest briefly in the pool, hopefully not sinking into the depths, and once in a while spawning at very close intervals. Frag grenades fall out of some of the trees! The sniper rifle is slightly biased towards one side to balance the hammer biased to the other side (the hammer by necessity, I couldn't get it to stick out of the center of the waterfall). I might center the sniper rifle. The overshield in this map is exactly the same as Beaver Creek - I don't recall if other people cried about it, but I always liked heading back to it every sixty seconds, and it's accessibility meant it was easy to get but easy to die trying. So yeah, it's recreated perfectly in this map, the only powerup available. Weapon list: 4x Battle Rifle 2x Carbine 2x Brute Shot with emphasized respawns 2x SMG 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Gravity Hammer (recommended for comprehensive deforestation) 1x Rocket Launcher on delayed spawn 1x Fuel Rod on super delayed spawn, no reloads 6x Frag Grenade 2x Plasma Grenade 2x Spike Grenade 1x Overshield Overview Waterfall Atop the waterfall Atop the sniper perch A fallen coconut! Defending the pool (as viewed from inside) This is a beta form of the map. There are some uneven edges and tiny symmetrical differences, but it is far from unplayable. It is the first time I have used interlocking heavily, and I did not have the patience to do it perfectly - especially when I had to copy one side to the other. It has not been balance tested at all, but if anyone likes it and if I can get feedback/test time in on it, I intend to fix it up. Some objective objects (mostly spawn areas and points) may not work due to the object limit (and I do not like to glitch anything, other than Flamethrowers!). Some ugly things are by design (it's a jungle!), some are necessity, some are laziness. Anyway, I appreciate any input! Also, the name is completely arbitrary. It was going to be called Oasis Sunset, but the 'sunset' created by Juicy FX makes things too dark IMO. Download Rikuo Falls
at first glance, the map is breakable, not to mention that with a grenades, people can enjoy gameplay outside the map, ha ha anyways i like the jungle you have going, just make sure that you have closed everything in, and agian i will have to test to be sure but i thinks it breakable
I'm not entirely sure what breakable means exactly, I am new here. But yeah, I ran out of budget for the walls. You can stack to get out easily as well. I don't really care myself, since the action is to be had inside the map, and if it were a real competition, anyone going outside would be DQ'd of course. I just wish I had the patience to make it prettier.
I love how you made the waterfall, it was very creative and caught my eye at first glance, buy yeah both posts before me are right people could very easily get out of your map mate. Good job though
Regardless of whether this is a breakable map or not, its something quite different from what you usually see and I applaud you for that. The waterfall is impressive and executed well, I also like the look of the tree-like stuctures. Good job on the creativity, I shall give it a DL and see how it plays. Like I suspected, its a great spectacle but doesn't play extremely well. Its very hard to maneuver around all the objects and doesn't provide flowing gameplay. Some of the forging is a little sloppy and bumpy, most of which can be smoothed out pretty easily. I'd suggest this is more of a casual/aesthetic map rather than competitive, good job on the creativity though!
Breakable means that you can go outside of the map... But the trees, I never saw those trees... and they are so nice... but can the Barricades fall off the antena?
First off, The whole map is godly being aesthetic wise and or originality. I applaud you for that. Score of 10 *Originality+2-Very Original *Aesthetics+2-Great *Breakable+1-Looks breakable However There Is Many People Who Have Judged a Picture Before And This Is Not The Last Of The Judgment *Weapons-1-2 Rocket Launchers and Fuel Rod Gun in The Same Map=Not Good *Neatness+1-It Looks Neat However This May Be From My View Some Sloppiness So your map for me is a 7/10. Maybe fix the weapons go through once more on the neatness and then a V2 maybe. All in All. This map kicks ass, Its just the touch-ups now.
Really nice map, as people have mentioned its really easy to break the map. FR me if you want to know the different spots. I love the aesthetics, the map has potential, the different routes etc is really good, you have a good solid map layout, but as people have pointed out as well including yourself the map is a little bit bumpy, it could be smoothed out and all the little jumps up to different spots dont really annoy me but it destroys the gameplay and many people dont like little jumps like I do. Make a v2 and impress me even more ;p
Although this looks really good the game play is questionable, and I still have a few questions. Why is the crypt left open? Why is there nothing to keep the palmtrees upright? Have you tested this yet?
this map seems like it could have a lot of potential and if you still think that it needs a lot of work you are obviously going the right way and know what a good map needs. Keep it up and can't wait to see the finished product.
it seems like you were going for a like a gorilla warfare kind of thing with that much cover, which in and of itself is not a bad thing. to the contrary, i think it would make an amazing map. however, your "trees" can fall over(especially true with the grave hammer), and more importantly, that can be shot through, meaning they aren't cover so much as they are nuisances. This is where i can see the problem with gameplay. If you are going to make a version 2, definitely budget glitch it and make sure that your map is unbreakable. Being able to get out of a map makes it seem very amateur. Other then that, i think this is a good map. after some renovations it could be great.
Thanks for the responses, I am glad you like it. Like I said it was just kind of an idea and I am not an expert interlocker. I also ran into a lot of issues with budget, hence the breakability and roughness of some parts. I guess I could glitch it to make canyon type walls. I always have a cool design in my head but then end up running out of money. The trees are supposed to fall - I guess I could take one or two out on each side in order to keep it a little cleaner. What is interesting with them falling is you can create your own ramp shortcuts to the base or sniper perch. I know the Fuel Rod is almost always overpowered, although it is not often they spawn in the same place, and fighting for the middle where they end up is always the idea. Plus, the rocket and fuel rod both de-spawn in like 10 seconds, since they actually spawn at the top of the waterfall. That said, I wouldnt mind removing the Fuel Rod or spanker anyway. As for why I left the crypt open - you can't walk into it, only items can fall in. It's like a drain or whirlpool, following the theme of the waterfall. I think it's cool. It can be abused for Oddball, but so can any other map like Guardian and Blackout. If I had had more money, the walls would be higher and the ramps would be a little nicer too. I might just pave the base floor with wall doubles and remove all the blocks underneath. I will work on freeing up some budget from the trees and smoothing out some of the blocks, particularly on the waterfall. Thanks, and yes they can fall off, but only if they are disturbed. The antennae respawn faster than the barricades to cut down on barricades falling out of the sky. From Satan130: "it seems like you were going for a like a gorilla warfare kind of thing with that much cover, which in and of itself is not a bad thing. to the contrary, i think it would make an amazing map. however, your "trees" can fall over(especially true with the grave hammer), and more importantly, that can be shot through, meaning they aren't cover so much as they are nuisances. This is where i can see the problem with gameplay." This is something that I missed by not really playtesting it. I knew the skeletal antennae wouldnt provide much cover, so that is why I just packed as many as I could in. I will either have to use small corners to root them in place, or just remove some of them. Thanks for the input Actually, what do you think about moving the bases one level down? I could make it a little bigger and more base-like, free up some better looking blocks for the walls (which would not have to be so high), and eliminate some of the troublesome parts. This would also give the high ground less of an advantage over the center area.
The thread title should only contain the map's name. I edited the title to say "Rikuo Falls". Message me if you would like something else or if you have any questions.
In addition to what satan said, you seriously might consider a version with stone column larges instead of radio antennas.
First of all, palm trees are epic. I can see how the map is breakable, and I also see how you could use some fixing up. The map is incredibly original, so I give it a 4.15/5
wow i love this idea of a map very original. a normal working map with a waterfall, trees, and a nice jungle feeling. those trees could be knocked down with a grenade and change the whole environment of the map which is a very nice touch the waterfall was made very nicely looks fantastic, the sniper perch is good because it has no cover which makes it not such a tower of power. and the whole rimming of the map i small so you might be able to break out of it with a grenade like patrick said besides that good map 8.5/10