this may depend more on your playing, being positive k/d and mvp are a certain rank up at the levels you are talking about. but you probably already knew that and you think i'm an ass.
Yea, I got your PM, I sent you one back. I might be on Halo tonight and will be on tomorrow. (hopefully I'll get another subscription tomorrow)
I've been having the same problem for doubles. I don't know why but I always face people who team and get stuck with some random noob who couldn't get a positive k/d streak to save his life. I had an mlg game at lvl 10 which had two lvl 12s who just sat there and committed suicides the whole time (I quit after they had -5). How did they even get there? What fun do you get out of it? Anyways I'm a lvl 30-32 in TS (haven't played it for a while) and I use really good communication and get over 10-14 kills a game (with like 8 deaths) but I can't find teammates who do the same. If you don't care about having a mixed party, send me an invite. If you do, send me an invite anyways and go throw yourself in a reactor core (jk).
We pretty much have a set team right now, but if we don't have at least 3 people at any time we might invite you.
We need to get more organization for this team. I have played with all 3 of you in MLG, but we need to find a time to all play together in TS. I am the same level in TD as I am in TS, so if only one of you is on, I can play that too.
Yea.. I know. I'm only a 33 in Team Doubles right now, so I'd prefer Team Slayer. We really need to set another time to play. I thought we agreed about Saturday night, but I think it was just me and Lightz, I can't quite remember though. Any time next weekend will be fine for me. Tomorrow night (Tuesday) will also work well for me. Hopefully you guys will be on tomorrow, because I will not be able to play again until the weekend. Once I get my subcription for my other account, Team Doubles will be fine, because I have 42 in both Team Doubles and Team Slayer.
Yeah I played with LastMohican and his friend on saturday afternoon and supertrooper on saturday night (Wasn't exactly*feeling halo at 1:30 after the epicest most draining lacrosse game ever played by humans). This weekend I think saturday evening/nightish should work better, if thats cool with you guys.
Yup Saturday night would be perfect for me. If the other teammates don't see this, I'll tell them over Live.
Yeah, I don't really want to talk about my performance with you in that game . It was my first game of TS, which I am much worse at than MLG unfortunately, and I had just got my 21 in MLG and was feeling it there. Then, I come over with a buddy and not only do worse than you, but my friend did better than me, who isn't nearly as good as me normally. I can play Saturday night. I am going to stay away from MLG playlist all together, so I can concentrate on TS. We need to communicate better than before also. Since I am just as high in Team Doubles on a lot less games, I am going to try to get close to 50 on Friday, and it will prepare me for TS because they have the same default settings.
Double post Edit: It was good playing with you guys (Brute and Trooper). I wasn't on my game, but we played pretty solid as a team. Sorry for my friend joining. He isn't bad and wants to level up, but if HitTheLights wants in, I will boot him next time. I think Standoff was the only game we lost, but that was BS. I couldn't talk the whole time and was distracted a little, but this weekend, which is the only time I can play again this week, I will be completely focused on getting that 50. We need to stay away from MLG because it messes you up, which is partially the reason why I sucked so much when we played it on Blackout custom. I think we have the talent to make a 50 run.
Your friend was good the first time I played with you, but the second he pretty much lost the game by charging into regenerators at shotgun guys. Yeah but this weekend I can get a large supply of caffeine and win games. I stopped playing MLG (the playlist) for the sole purpose of getting my TS skills back up (Stupid F**cking radar and ARs). We can totally win all of our games just based off of the communication I know everyone has.
Yeah, he is pretty good, especially for never playing H1 or H2, but I normally destroy him. But that time, I was playing worse than him, so we were destined for bad things. I had just come from getting 21 in MLG and was not used to TS at all. Since then, I have only played TS and am ready for this weekend. That would be pretty sweet if we all got 50.
Sounds good. I guess you could fill in for someone who isn't there at the time (we have only played with 3 of the group at a time). What is your GT? Rejecting You or something, right?
Just wanted you to know, i'm still up for this, if you want to add me. I just stopped playing ranked games and all, but I have 556 Exp, and 32 is my highest, but I consider myself to have the skill of a colonel-ish.
Yea, we had some good teamwork those few games we played. Lvl 50 will be possible, we beat some teams of 48's, and only lost on Standoff because of no map control. That was just plain stupid. I'll definitely be online on Saturday, and I might be able to play before that. If I see any of you on I'll send and invite and we can start some more TS. Insanedrone I'll send you a friend request, it's Rejecting You, isn't it?
Yeah, Rejecting You. I'm 47 or 48 in Team Slayer, I think 43 in Double Team, around 25 in MLG, and other random things are up, like 20 something in BTB.
I agree. I think Standoff was the only loss we had, and that map just revolves around Warthog and laser control. I actually ended up going positive because I just sat on a rock and put shots in all of them. I will have no time to get on during the week again, but I am freed up most of the weekend. I sent you a FR Insanedrone. I actually played pretty well outside of my first game ever on Blackout and that one Pit game, lol. That was the game that I got betrayed by Brute with the sniper and got shot in the back again by him and one shot. Then, I got naded by a teammate and one shot again by the other team. Then, I went in short hallway and was sniped by the guy and then, you (Tropper) shot me giving him the kill. Edit: E93, I will see if we can get you in a few games if we don't have 4 guys already.
Lol... that was one in a million, that shot went through both of us. I guess I'll have to wait for the weekend then.