Showing Sum Luv This is the map from my video "YouTube - Showing Sum Luv". You may have seen it on the Bungie Blog the day befor Bungie Day, or you may have just heard of it through a friend. Well I finally decided to release my map to the public, so here it it everybody. How To Use: 1. Must be in forge 2. Must be playing solo (no guest and no friends in the game) 3. Set the respawn time to 30 seconds 4. Must be a spartin 5. Do not move/touch your controller
WICKED!!!!!!! That must have taken forever to make it precise, it's just like a rube goldberg in my opinion except with yourself rofl. 100/100!!!
HOLY CRAP! This map must have taken forever. How did you feel once you finished it? Any way it looks very complicated and difficult to forge. Well I have to critique so... The E looks a little lower than the rest of the letters, No offense, I just stared at it for like 5 minutes straight and just noticed it. It's great like when I was playing it, It's impossible to see it. But... yeah.
Looks great, I like how the whole time it seems like your body is falling through a pinball machine. Also, that loop is amazing win. I remember my attempt at a loop.... (it failed) Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't you be able to look around? And is that my Seizure Machine's teleporter setup? Great application of it, whether it is or not.
CARNAGE ITS SQUIDLEY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! but anyway.. ive always like this. probably my favorite way of getting recon.. haha cooler than the way i got it
Tecnically you used my teleporter setup, mine was made several weeks before yours, and I started the trend of people making maps with the teleportor trick. Most likely you started making your map after I completely finished mine. So tecnically your map was an application of MY teleperter trick. Not trying to be mean though, you probaly didn't realize it. Thanks for the comments, by the way. But as far as the looking around, if you do look around then your body will not land in the right spot.
Ok, I downloaded, followed all guidelines, and I never made it to the end. In the bit with the pallets, I overshot and hit about five pallets too far ahead of the teleporter and then the ball kept on falling down to the bottom level.