Hello Fellow Forgers, My Name is Jay and I want to get to know more people on Forge Hub. So I got the idea to make a Map Pack with three other Forge members from this site. The Map Pack is going to be more Infection based Maps, On any Maps. If you want to go more advanced, we can make a Custom Campaign instead. Pretty much put a new story to the game that we love. So if anyone wants to join I got three slots left. Just post here with your GamerTag and all the regular stuff that you post. If you have any question you can post them here, or send a Message on Xbox Live. My Gamertag is Jay Rockn Weezy, Dont forget to add me. 2 Slots Left 1. Jay Rockn Weezy 2. Pelgore 3. Empty 4. Empty
I may be able to help. My Gamertag is PELGORE, and you can find my best map in my signature(click the picture).
Although I think this may be a good idea for you to meet some of the FH community I dont think I can help you as I am hopefully about to start work on a major forge project that will prbably dig into most of my free time. I wish you the best of luck with it