Mythic II DLC Rusting Shores

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by T4K Shadow, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Rusting Shores V2
    Download V2


    V2 Update
    - Included in the V2 update is the majority that Dream suggested, thanks again! Those include making the starting point further back out of the way, added the extra 2 mongooses, making the box sticking out the water to stop you from flipping double wide, moving shield doors around to make the map flow better, and changed some scenery (Mainly to clear up some budget). I now feel that the map is alot better, let me know what you think, thank you.

    I will add new pictures later, so you can see before you try :D

    The links have now been updated


    Made By - T4K Shadow

    Players - 1 - 8

    Gametypes - RACETRACKS

    Base Map - Longshore

    Canvas Used - None

    Budget Remaining - $1

    Time Taken - Roughly 11 Hours?


    IMPORATANT NOTE: There are only 4 Mongeese on the map, I felt that anymore would have been overkill, however, 8 players can still play, 4 drive and 4 ride shotgun.

    Rusting Shores, my latest Racetrack. Featuring a banked turn in the water's of Longshore, several small jumps in the water, and a huge drop hill in the water. The rest of the track is mainly just blocked off sections of the original map, There aren't exactly that many great objects to make racetracks with, they are mostly single wide. This track is probably my most challanging out of all my tracks, due to the fact that it switches from single to double width throughout.
    The majority of this track was made usign the newly discovered no-clipping technique found out by YoYo, thanks.


    I STRONGLY recommend you watch the video so you can get a better "feel" for the map, I don't think pictures do that so well, videos help everything fit together.


    Okay, now time for the pictures!

    Start/Finish Line:

    The drop just after starting:

    The small jumps:

    The banked Turn and another little jump:

    The landing zone and next turn:

    The next 180 Degree turn and entering the Water crate warehouse:

    Inside the Warehouse going up the rolling rise:

    Side view of the Rising Rise and next 90 degree turn:

    And then the Cheat-proof finish line/Start again:

    Thanks for viewing Rusting Shores, it may not look smooth in some section but I can assure you it's smoother than it looks.
    Constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    Download Rusting Shores V2
    #1 T4K Shadow, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Damn. I love the concept, and it looks REALLY smooth. I can only really complain of how it goes from double wide to single wide. Anyway, nice use of LongShore's layout. Props on one of the best so far. ;)
  3. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Thanks, yeah, I was disappointed with the object list, theres only a total of 19 double blocks (Including open) and so if I had used the single boxes to make a double wide track, it would have been about the size of an egg :D

    Hey Ducky Buddy, I thought I recognized your name, I just couldn't work out where from :)
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    dang, nice job on this. the half-submerged part at the end of the first ramp looks sweet and the way you used the shield walls looks really effective. this may very well be the first longshore race map on forgehub as well, nice work!
  5. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    This track makes me wish i had spent $65 on ODST. It looks smooth, but i think the water drop is kind of anticlimatic-will you die if you make it dip any farther under the water? And i agree with meltyourtv, the doubble to single box change looks like it could cause some problems.
  6. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Well, this looks very interesting. i finally got Halo 3 back, and I'm re-phasing myself with my old antics, but I think I'll take a cut from MM and do some Mythic II hunting on the site. The map loos awesome, and I must say very smooth, except for the double to single, but I understand that. Good job, deserves the attention I know it'll get.
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I liked most aspects of this track. I love how it skims over the water. I just wish you would have put a double box under the arch and not a single box. The only part that I didn't like was the fact that the spawn is right in the middle of the track. I am talking about the last left turn right after the goal. I don't like how the mongooses are right in the way when you go back down the hill. The spawn should have been in a different place. Other than that, I liked the track and it shows what can be done on Longshore. I am also a bit let down that you only used four mongooses. Six would have been better. Overall I rate the map a 4/5.
    #7 x DREAM 76 x, Oct 4, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2009
  8. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Thanks Dream! I think I'm going to make a V2 with all these changes, considering I don't have XBL GOLD at the moment, I have nothing else to do other than Guitar Hero. The trouble is I don't know where I'm going to get the extra boxes from "/, Ah I'll fiqure something out.

    Thank you everyone for the feedback
    #8 T4K Shadow, Oct 5, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    No prob. I noticed that you made a V2. I will DL and check it out. I am sure it will be good, especially if you made all those changes. Nice work. This is the best track on longshore I have seen yet.
  10. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
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    Awsome map I'll give it a dl. This has got to be the best longshore racetrack I have seen yet. I love the part of the track that goes over the water. I also like how you've used the shield doors as barriers. The scenery looks really cool to. I'll be sure to give a good rating.
  11. Xen

    Xen Ancient
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    This map is very smooth and very well made. No criticism, except that it feels a little bit short. By far, the best Longshore racetrack I've played.
  12. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
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    Wow! This is amazing. You took a map that not many people would think a racetrack would be on and made a racetrack that rivals sandbox tracks. Congrats man!
  13. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I just want to say, this map is amazing, I love the start to finish. Has to be one of racing maps I truly enjoy for originality, and for the pure fun. The beginning ramp down is amazing to see first on long shore secondly, you go into the water, and the little jumps that perfectly land. The game play is quite nice. It is beautifully forged, and perfect to know where to go, and what to do. You captured what is truly fun in racing I think here. Simple, but yet fun, and not all about banked curves, I really enjoyed this map, great job. Only thing I would fix is the thing to make cheat proof, you can get to main right side, and barely clip it to get one point, but it really doesn't matter, it is more of a honor rule. Great map again ;)
  14. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I played BattleTracks on this the other day. That first u turn is brutal at first, but once you get used to it it's really fun! I'd have to say 9/10, for being awesome, but not perfect. It could have been a wee bit longer.

    Definition of Perfect: I believe you deserve a feature my good chap. Cheerio and whatnot.

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