Title and ive heard alot of people say GIMP is better but ive also heard people say CS4 is better also im a real shitty sig maker if you could give me some tips for the programn that you chose
CS4 is better in performance. I found GIMP easier to start with and do simple projects with, let alone it's free. If you want to get into the art I suggest downloading GIMP until people actually say you are gaining talent (what they say, not what you think) then possibly going out and buying PhotoShop.
You don't have to "Know a guy"to get CS4, and it's not really bragging rights. CS4 is better for advanced users, I went from GIMP > CS3 > CS4. If you can afford CS4, and you know how to put the tools to good work, then it's worth it's weight in gold. If you are a beginner, and just want to learn a few basic things then move up, start with GIMP and go from there.
CS4 has endless capabilities compared to GIMP, in my experience. I have used both, GIMP for around 1/2 year and then CS3 + CS4 for easily over a year. CS4 imo. It ultimately depends on the user using the program. GIMP is fairly easy to get the hang of, Photoshop takes a little longer. lol
I get by fine with gimp, but in the long run if your going to be doing hardcore stuff jump for the cs4
I agree with Ice, Gimp get's you by if your doing just stuff. But if Your going to be doinging a bunch of fancy wallpapers and 3d ****, Photoshop is the way to go. Also, Icecikle has a bunch of guides that can help you out for gimp. Just search for them.
If you had both sitting in front of you, for free, i say you should go with photoshop. BUT, Gimp is legally free, where as Photoshop costs you a couple hundred dollars, unless you are willing to hit up some torrents, which by the way is illegal. But, Ps is a better program. It has a bigger user base, more add ons, and just way more features. Thats not to say Gimp sucks. I use gimp and i'm one of the better GA users here, if i don't say so myself. So is Iceickle. Not trying to sound conceded, just saying you can go a long way with Gimp.
Yes but you have unnatural skills. You are one with the force. lol... Anyway, yea, nothing that hasn't been stated, but PS i better. However, when you practice, GIMP can be almost as effective as PS, or at the same par, like with Lock and Ice. If you already have CS4... I'd suggest starting on GIMP at least, and after a month or so of improvement, switch over to PS.
Well, GIMP has a wwwwaaaayyy shallower learning curve, and the hours invested:result quality is higher in the beginning, but tapers off as you become more advanced, where as with CS4, after 100 hours of program use you should know your way around moderately well, and after 300-400 hours of CS4 you should be getting into the more advanced techniques, providing your artistic skills are up to snuff. So all in all, GIMP is great for free, and open source, and will get you started, but if you're serious about making things, you will want to switch to CS4 after a while, as I did. There are definitely some things about GIMP that CS4 lacks, and it irks me every time I use it... Both. They're for different things.