Bias First off, this is my first map post, so correct me if I`ve done anything wrong. Bias is a small asymmetrical map in the skybubble, that is highly reminiscent of guardian. It is set up for all gametypes, but plays best for 2-4 player slayer. If you know the layout of guardian, then you should feel right at home here. The two power weapons on the map are the sniper and shotgun. There is also duals and battle rifles around the map. Full weapon list here: Spoiler 1 Sniper - 150 respawn - 1 clip 1 Shotgun - 150 respawn - 0 clips 1 Needler - 90 respawn - 1 clip 1 Brute Shot - 90 respawn - 1 clip 1 Mauler - 60 respawn - 1 clip 6 Battle Rifles - 30-45 respawn - 1-2 clips 2 Carbines - 30 respawn - 1 clip 4 Plasma Rifles - 60 respawn 4 Spikers - 60 respawn - 1 clip 4 SMG`s - 60 respawn - 1 clip 4 Frag Grenades - 10 respawn 4 Plasma Grenades - 10 respawn 1 Bubble shield - 120 respawn Full overview Overview- The bottom right is where the sniper spawns (under the brute shot) and the building at the top is red base. Blue side - Blue base is in center. The walkway to the left leads to sniper, the right leads to shotgun. Red side - Red base is across from blue. A lift inside the base leads from bottom to top floor. Sniper spawn - This is a veiw walking from mid. Shotgun spawn - The lift leads to needler spawn, looking over mid. And here are some action shots: And that`s my map. Please provide constructive criticism, and enjoy! Download here
Wow, all I can say is this is one of the best first posts I"ve ever seen. Great job! Ok now on the map it looks pretty good. I'm judging by pictures but the playability also looks fine. I also like how you used the half walls. One thing though, are you sure you should have the sniper and the brute shot so close?
Wow this looks impressive, Im really liking how the layout is like guardian. But also it looks like it has a much different feel. This is a very good map for your first one, congrats. Im gonna dl this and try it out in 30 min when my brother gets home and edit my post EDIT: I got a game of 1v1 on it and it was pretty fun. I dont like how the sniper was placed right next to the Brute Shot. It was way to overpowering because i would get them both and slaughter. Also i feel off a few times, but it wasnt that big of a deal. All in all good job on the map, but i think the weapon placment needs adjustment
Seems good, very well forged, but also a little bit too crowded... Could you take an overview picture?
Thanks for the criticism. To Dragull, I got the best overview I could with the height barrier, but I`ll try for a better one and add it in if I can get one. EDIT: Added one in. Sorry it`s in forge, that`s the best I could get. To kill4overkill, the brute shot is actually used very little, so it isn`t a problem at the moment.
I think the aesthetics are very pleasing, but there is not a lot of cover outside of the buildings, and most of the aesthetics are just extensions of ceiling, and don't really provide any cover either. I could be wrong, but spamming into buildings, and automatic four shots the second you step outside of one could be a problem. I downloaded, and I will come back after I play a few games on it to tell you how it played. Right now, I'd like to say the map looks really really good.
A fantastic first post, finally someone who knows how to embed pictures correctly, well done! Also the map looks awsome too , nice design and layout and a good weapons list. I'll keep this in mind when I have space so that I can DL it
The bases are really cool with the windows it is verry aesthetically pleasing... and it reminds me Guardian and Blackout... 9/10.
The asthetics, and gameplay of this are amazing, and it especially reminds me of guardian. This is perfect so do not change anything.
I like the look. It reminds me of all sky maps in one way or another. The Shotgun spwan reminds me of Epitaph, The Bases of Gaurdian, The weapons of Gaurdian/Blackout. The general look reminds me of Blackout/Gaurdian. I like your building style. But a few questions. 1: Is it built on the SkyBox floor, or lifted up to a small height to prevent sudden death from falling? 2: What are the main path choices people take? 3: Are there any tactical jumps, and if so will you point them out? 4: Are the weapon spawns the same for Asymetric and Symetrical games? 5: Are there any special secrets you would like to release about tricks/tactics on the map? Thanks, Stealth9Sneaker
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Stealth9Sneaker, here are the answers to your questions: It`s lifted up two box heights. Usually they go around to shotgun or sniper rather than go through mid, and go to mid from there. (If at all) The lower halls are usually safer and less traveled. Due to the size of the map, you can make a large amount of jumps, so there aren`t any specific tactical jumps. One useful jump I will point out is this: You crouch and land on that ledge. Camping up there is not advised, as you`ll be shot down, but you can get the drop on someone below. Yes. Do you mean for making the map, or playing on it?
In that case, for making the map, it just sort of came together. I looked through my old map sketches and liked the look of this, and it evolved as I forged. For playing, my only advice is to keep moving. Camping will get you nowhere here.
I played a match and it was great but in the base with the grav lift there are many bumps that affected the gameplay. Good map though. =)
Spawn issues man. I played 1v1 and 2v2 on this map, and I spawned out in the open consistently. There really is a lack of cover. I would spawn in the doorways of pictures 3 and 4. Then, in the two seconds it would take me to take in where I was (which is a general rule for spawning), my opponent would already know where I was, and kill me purely with my lack of readiness. I would suggest moving spawns out of those areas. Take a look at Guardian's spawns to pick out good spots to replace them. Also, who bumped the thread?