Sanctum Made by ONEARM ASSASSIN Sanctum was made in the Crypt and is meant for 2-6 Players. It is a symmetrical map that works with these gametypes; Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, KOTH, and Infection. There are two levels; the basement area holds a variety of weapons from the Magnum to the Needler to the Shotgun. The Shotgun is the weapon of choice in the basement area by Players. The top floor is home to the Energy Sword which is placed in the centre of the map. This is the prize possession by Players. There are four ways up to the top floor. There are six ways down to the basement area. On the top floor there are two hallways on opposite ends of the map. You will find two Plasma Rifles in both halls. Right next to these weapons is a drop shoot that immediately takes you to the Shotgun. Weapons Battle Rifle x2--1 spare clip--30 second respawn Magnum x2--2 spare clips--30 second respawn Needler x2--1 spare clip--60 second respawn Plasma Rifle x4--30 second respawn Shotgun x2--0 spare clips--150 seond respawn Spikers x4--2 spare clips--30 second respawn Energy Sword--150 second respawn --(Plasma Gernade x8)-- Screenshots Thank you to everyone that have supporeted and help playtest Sanctum. You can Download here: Sanctum
It looks like a pretty cool map, Looks really well forged, pretty good weapons,(although I could do without the needlers.) and looks like a fun map for team slayer, good job! 9/10.
i love playing on small maps, this one definatley looks fun to play. From what I can see, it has good aesthetics and a good design and you havn't got too many over powered weapons. In my opinion, that i what makes a good map so 5/5 from me and a DL
it looks really small but fun to play FFA but it looks definatelly too small for 6 peoples...... and I hate purple lights!
I agree that the lights make this look wierd, especially the purple ones, but this would still be great for 2-4 people and ffa.
I am enjoying all of the positive feedback so far, but I really need constructive crticism to make adjustments and to see how I can make this map even better. I'll start making a V2 of Sanctum, add more weapons, spawns, different weapon placements, add more detail, etc. But I am glad by the comments so far.