Sandbox Improved Working Soccer Game

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Biohazard, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. Biohazard

    Biohazard Ancient
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    Working Soccer Game Version Two
    *The map was updated on december 5th, 2009. if you downloaded before that, i recommend a redownload

    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details
    Normally, i dont like making version twos. i find them stupid, and usually not improved. However, to all those who saw my first version, you all pointed out the one flaw, i thought i could not work around. The man trapped in the box. i believed there was no way to fix this, but i proved myself wrong, and removed the man fom the box, while still meeting my goal of a one step score system.Its not perfectly one step, but is damn near close, so here goes.
    Game play and map
    The objective is to get the soccer ball into the enemys goal by any means possible. you spawn with swords, and there are two gravity hammers on the map, one on each side. these are mostly intended to be defensive weapons, as they can clear a golf ball across the map in a single hit, but can be used for offensive purposes also. but be careful, they are not very acurate.
    Once you score, any member of your team must die to earn the point. Being kiled before you score wont earn you any points tho. just once you score, have one or more person die in any method, and a point will be earned. Usually the other team will wind up killing you immidiatley after you score, because you are deep in there territory, but if they believe they can prevent you from scoring by letting you live, simply jump in the goal. the teleporters there will kill you.

    The map works best with a 3v3, but is also great with 2v2, a little hectic with 4v4, and also suprisingly fun with 1v1
    ^the map is basically the same. an areana with two goals. the soccer ball is now in the center, and the golf clubs have been set to 60 second drop respawn.
    ^ the teleport spawn. there are two on each side, and reasoning for this will be explained later.
    ^yep, you can still get murked by a splatter.
    The technical may be confusing to some, but ill try to explain it as best as possible.

    ^You push the ball into the hole (lol) and it falls down the chute. same as last time
    ^The ball falls down the chute, and continues down. those teleportes kill you.
    Wanna see where they lead? spoiler

    ^The ball continues down this trough (spelling?) and will eventually knock that fusion coil down.
    Confused on how the ball got there?check out this pic to get a better under standing
    ^the ball then knocks the fusion coil down, and is pushed out of the way
    This is where the coil will fall
    It falls
    and has fallen. now the teleporter is unblocked. this reciever node is in the hill, and when a player enters, he scores a point, and the round ends.
    But now, how does the player get to the teleporter? what wil stop the other team from walking through that teleporter and scoring the points themselves? well, the answer to that is the spawn location.
    its normally blocked off, you see.
    team one spawns on the left. team two spawns on the right. the players fall stright down. the upper teleporter will send them to the hill. however, it is blocked until they score. So unless theyscore, the players will simply pass through that teleporter, and enter the bottom one, which leads back to the field. if they fall through that because it is blocked, or for an unknown reason, the players will fall to their death, and spawn again.
    the system will always work out in the end. the upper teleporter works about 80% of the time. this means that you will be returned to the field, and have to die again.
    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    *The map was updated on december 5th, 2009. if you downloaded before that, i recommend a redownload

    And be sure to check out "bounce" in my signature!
    #1 Biohazard, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  2. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    maybe you're right and this is over my head, but what is stopping the opponents team from using there own teleporter and scoring on the opponents teams point?
  3. Biohazard

    Biohazard Ancient
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    there are two reciever nodes on the map, and each one is in the hill. when team A scores on team B, it unblocks teleporter 1. if team B scores on team A, then teleporter 2 is unblocked. Team A spawns above sender node 1, and team B spawns above teleporter 2. there is no way for Team B to physically reach the unblocked sender ( node 1). confusing, but, yes, it does work.

    i came up with the idea in an instanst, and thouroghly confused myself trying to create it. it only fully made sense to me when it was completed, and i was the one who made it.
    #3 Biohazard, Oct 8, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  4. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Dude you're making this whole scoring system thing way to complicated just like everyone else that has made these types of maps. I'll help you with the scoring system if you give me half credit. The scoring system I'm talking about is flawless and you can rack up multiple points per round with only 1 point per goal.
  5. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    1/2 credit for giving out an idea?


    can i give you an idea for a map, and have you make it and take half credit? if yes, then awesome, but otherwise, that seem a bit harsh. especially when the information is already out there.
  6. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    My design implements everyone in gameplay, does not require any special leaving the field to score method, and anyone (even someone who has never played halo before) can pickup and play it. Also you can score as many points as possible in one round. Along with the fact that it has never been implemented in any map I've heard or seen of.
  7. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    I dont know if i would buy it. You need to be proud of the map you made. No map will ever please everyone. My maps are fun to me a lot of other people but bad criticism seems to be what you get most often. I like your map and the fact that one person doesnt have to sit out the game anymore. Great job keep forging. Kudos
  8. Biohazard

    Biohazard Ancient
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    who lets keep it on topic here. the scoring system is only complex in theroy, but is very simple during gameplay, and easy to play with. and to Aaronator, i am intrested in your idea, but will decline your offer none the less. you make your map, and take full credit for your self, or just say the idea for the general public. this scoring system works fine during gameplay.
  9. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    You're an idiot. I've tried every single way to create a scoring system. This way presented in this soccer map is one of the BEST ways to create a solid, scoring system. The other way is much more complex, implemented into one of my games, called Air Hockey vS. If you attempt any other method of scoring, you will absolutely fail because of a single variable, you overthought.
    As for the map itself, it may not be exactly aesthetically pleasing, but it doesnt need to be, the technical work of this is perfect in every way, except that you can only score once per round. Only other problem I have is with a possible teleporter- camping spawn kill from the other team, with assassinations. Not sure if this is a problem, it's just what I take notice to.
  10. Biohazard

    Biohazard Ancient
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    i tried to make it as aestheitically pleasing as possible, but its not that complicated of a map. teleporter camping is rarely a problem. There are two tele porters you can come out of, and even if ther is someone camping, you have enough time to turn around, or move out of the way, before they can kll you.

    and i saw your air hockey map, it was a good concept, and impressive, but i didnt like the way points were scored gameplay wise. the technical bits of it were genius, and the way the gae was played was amazing, i just didnt like that aspect.

    but lets stay on topic here lol
  11. Biohazard

    Biohazard Ancient
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    I updated the map download, i made a minor update to the map. updated on december 5th, 2009
  12. The2Armedguy

    The2Armedguy Ancient

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    Very good work my good sir.
    I wanted to Dload your last one
    but the whole one man out thing stopped
    I think you came up with a great idea
    and that you really saved the map
    I've seen many scoring systems but i have never seen
    one that implements respawn points
    keep up the good work
  13. cheezcakep

    cheezcakep Ancient
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    I really dont see the point of this map but whatever it it it looks nice and well forged. I've dled and will rate as soon as I figure it out :p

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