This map is doing really well on, so i figured I'd post it here. Pics on the topic.
If you're going to complain about my "posting format", then you should at least use correct grammar. I've been here for three minutes. If proper posting format is all that important , then somebody link me to a guide.
Idk how to say this without actuelly saying this but. he spelled it wrong because you can get warned/ even banned for saying someones map F**ls
I honestly don't know how people keep missing the "Read this before posting your map" Dont worry mate your far from the only person to do it. Maybe dragoncoals or whoever updates the site should make a pop-up you can turn off after you'v used it once that literally redirects you to that sticky when you enter the map forum? Anyway include some embeded pics if you can,im gonna DL anyway but some people do get picky about these things due to their cramped harddrives Btw:3 FAILS in one topic!OMG, F**K NOW I SAID FAIL...DAMMIT! Eeeeew its a mongoose track form hell.....i hate these damned things....won't be able to DL till the weekend anyway,havent got the ledendaries yet. You may want to add some sort of description to the post. It aint an obsticle course btw its an annoying trakc,there are no things to avoid...just things to desperately stay on XD