WaVe Created by alexdotlee AKA NishikiLee 2-16 Players Game Types Team Slayer Slayer Infection Weapons 2 Machine Gun Turrets 1 Warthog 1 Energy Sword 2 Needlers 2 Battle Rifles 2 SMGs 1 Shotgun 1 Plasma Rifle 1 Brute Shot 4 Mongooses Screenshots Skyview Base 1 Base 2 Main Base Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Honestly, it looks like you just threw a couple of objects together, and called them bases. This is a VERY basic map, and I cannot see it playing well at all. If you could add some more cover around the map, it might play better. Also, improve the base designs so that you don't spawn on top and are out in the open. This encourages spawn camping.
I agree, this map looks terribly forged, I could have made this in like 15 minutes, the bases are too small to even be bases and there isn't enough objects on the map, 1/10.
sorry, but i agree with the above, it isnt well made, each base is 12 objects long and the rest of the map is virtually open. Also, I see this is only made for slayer and infection, none of which would play well on here, but its more of a casual map than a competetive. I also spotted that all the spawn points are facing the same way, this just shows that you are too lazy to rotate them, and spawning looking the same direction doesnt help game play at all. Sorry mate, but its a 2/5
Geez, alot of people are so rude these days. First of all, welcome to forgehub.com This seems like this is your first map and obviously your new to forgehub and this is your first post. I will have to say that this is not that bad for a beginner. If you want to become a better forger you should look at other peoples' maps and get inspiration. On this map you have here you should've made more things for cover. The bases for example seem to small and alot of the parts on your map are really open. You should think about putting spawn points 'covered' just so that you won't spawn out in the open and you have some cover. I would say this is decent for a forger that has just started forging.
I laughed when I saw that you called the second screenshot, Base 1... Seriously now... try to put more objets and use all the money.
This map is almost entirely empty and clearing it probably took more time than actually building it. There is no game I can see being played well on a this. Please look at some other forge hub maps to see what you should be working towards.