Death Pool Abandoned during the invasion of Earth, the Mombasa Quays are now bereft of commerce, but rife with zombies. 4-12 players Download Map (THIRD VERSION : UPDATED 10/10/09) Gametypes Despite its size, Death Pool was designed for gametypes such as : -Braaaains! -Save One Bullet -Alpha Zombie -Creeping Death -Creeping Rockets The original Longshore is said to be built for 4-12 players (as mentioned in the description), but this zombie variant could easily welcome 16 players. Weapons on map: -8 shotguns -4 maulers -3 BRs -2 spartan turrets -1 plasma cannon -1 rocket launcher -1 fuel rod gun -1 flamethrower 1st update (Oct. 7th) : 1 sniper rifle added Last update (Oct. 10th) : 4 magnums added, 2 shotguns removed Equipments and vehicles on map: -12 frag grenades -8 firebomb grenades -1 active camo -1 flare -1 ghost -1 mongoose Map settings Where the players start Living spartans and elites start here...(just in case there's more than 12 non-zombies at start, I've set a few more defender spawns in the K and M bases) ...and alpha zombies first appear in these 3 locations. Great places to camp and kill zombies -The place where you start, the less sure but it spawns the fuel rod gun and a BR. -The K base, which spawns 4 shotguns, 3 maulers, 1 BR and 6 frag grenades. (1st update : 1 shotgun, 2 maulers, 1 BR and 6 frag) -The M base, which spawns 6 frag grenades, 4 shotguns, 1 mauler, 1 BR and the flamethrower. (1st update : 6 frag, 1 shotgun, 2 maulers, 1 BR and the flamey) There you will enjoy incinerating zombies that try to slash you through the back window, but don't get too close or they will easily succeed... -Finally, if you feel like using your ninja skills, the floating boxes. And to make it funnier, bring the rocket launcher with you. Useful information for you, brain lovers... It is possible that you respawn right there. In this situation, don't mess with fusion coils, especially if you respawn with 1 or more friends, unless you wanna end up getting booted for multiple betrayal, which would be hilarious. In the kitchen, you're protected from the humans that are outside, and if one attempts to come in and kill you, you know that you can kill them through the shield. At the beginning of a round, rush the K base and deploy the bridge to get a quick and easy access to your delicious victims. Humans don't jump high enough to achieve this trick, so use it to your advantage... When you spawn in an open box, it is a good idea to wait a few seconds for any human to walk close to it. They won't see you coming... A few more images for your enjoyment Darker side of the harbour (was remade on October 7th : see post #5) There you have 4 of the 6 "flaming lamp poles" : all six light up 10 seconds after the round starts. Sea side of the harbour, featuring the plasma turret Your comments and ratings are welcome. Enjoy!
lol This Really reminds me of my map Docking Area >_<! but why are the gravity lifts on top of the street lights? what I like about this map is that you can jump on those creates into the water.
I placed these lifts like that because they make the poles look like flaming torches, so that makes the map look more hellish/apocalyptic. I don't expect players to actually USE these gravity lifts. Thanks for your appreciation.
I personally think the gravity lifts look cool. But each to his own. Its nice to see some infection maps on the Mythic II maps and yours looks great. Will DL
Map updated! Death Pool v2 is now available on today's date October 7th! A few changes have been made : - Major scenery modifications on the darker side of the map, including minor changes with the zombie respawns. - Most shotguns and maulers have been replaced in more dangerous places, away from the bases. A sniper rifle was added. - Fixed a flaming pole that wasn't shooting its ''fire'' straight. Before : After: Isn't it much better? What do you think? Please leave your comments!
The updated is good and all, but it looks like you copyed some alot from Docking Area. Gives me a bit of a "eh" on originality
Map updated (again) Death Pool v2 is gone : please welcome Death Pool v3! First, I realized the M base was really hard to infiltrate for any zombie, so I changed a few things : - the fusion coil that was placed in the stairway and set to spawn after 10 seconds was removed, - the front door of the base has been lowered, making it possible for humans and zombies to crouch-jump over. Then I thought "It would be nice to have some magnums on this map" : - 4 magnums were added (30-second spawn delay, 0 spare clips), - 2 shotguns were removed (8 shottys would provide too much ammo). I'm pretty sure that Death Pool is now more balanced, fair and funny than ever. I only wish that this 2nd update will be the last. If you have downloaded one of the previous versions of Death Pool, please take a few seconds to download this last version, you won't regret it!