-Tuna-Ton-Bay- slayer/Team Slayer 1. Two sides, one for each team. 2. Three doors to get to middle. 3. AND a Dock with enclosed lower dock. Pix: -Gravy Spawn- -Center Cort- -Rocket Spawn with OV.- -Docks- -Team 1 Side- -Team 2 Side- Try this maps go around. Download -Tuna-Ton-Bay-
We really can't tell if it's good or not, I think the HaloScreenshot Website is Down. So what i do is i use photobucket because thats the only website i can trust without breaking down and stuff like that.
to both of you guys, your both wrong. the pics are embedded but they're not from haloss, they're from bungie. to the OP, go to haloscreenshots.net, type in your GT: and click each pic you want, copy the bb code, the one that says with the link inbetween. once copied, paste it in the thread, that'll give you working embedded pics. ill update this with a better guide on how to embed pics if i find it. edit* nvm, it seems that ive been oblivious to the fact that a guide is already up. if you cant understand it, maybe mine will help. srry for jumping to conclusions : )
Please make sure to follow proper tutorials on how to embed your pictures (really easy, actually!). Anyway, here are his screenshots (counted the amount of broken pictures he put, downloaded the amount of pictures relative to his recent ones, uploaded them to TinyPic):