Just two of 'em from this week. It's what i did instead of notes. Go failing! - "Whoa" - "Stoner gnomes." lmao.
I'm sorry but those aren't worth failing a class at all. Just keep at it if you are determined to fail though, it'll work.
Has anyone told you **** you? No? **** you. It was sarcasm dude. Notes are meh. I do these for fun. So serious... Thanks for the comments. They were fun to draw. That's why I do them ;D
Whublam, owned. Anyways, they're good. Work on the noses dude, they're really... weird? Keep it goin. BTW, where the hell have you been?
Hahah here and there I suppose. Yeah. I like to mix it up on the noses. The nose on the gnome doesnt look that weird, it's just a crease in the paper. Last semester, I got pretty good at noses. But now. Meh. lmao. Thanks for the comment.
Whublam, go **** yourself. Anyhow, they're, unique, but not exactly art. Considering the fact that they were drawn for fun, i love em.
Whublam, don't do it, jugg. It's not that fun. Well thanks. I've made a buncha more. But eh. I'm too lazy to post 'em. So I just gave them away haha.
I love your hypocracy. You seem to preach the loveliness of yourself, and your purity of how you don't ruin FH, and how comments like mine ruin FH, yet you spam at the same time. Isn't that just fantastic :O?
Flame on BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no. Flame on as in the fantastic four dude. Spamity spam spam. I'mma post up another doodle sooner or later...
Room for two in that king's chair up there? Maybe I ought to join. J/K Remember man, I fought for you. I don't understand why my one little remark in one tiny little post accounts for the full destruction of FH when I obviously added more criticism before ending it. Go pick on someone else.
Psh My history teacher is completely oblivious to me... I'm not even kidding. Completely. I listen to my ipod in there, and text for the most part. I walk around while she's teaching. I swear, I think she has just zoned me out somehow..
Fought for me? Last I checked, you were out to get me. So are you getting a little confused here? Haha, so you here arguing with me, isn't spam? Or insulting me? I'm pretty sure that was the post I was talking about. And obviously, it is spam. Just like mine. And you bashing everyone who you think is wrong, has played a huge part in the "destruction" of Forgehub. And sure, I'll "pick" on someone else. Just like you did.
Pick on me, mofo. As far as destruction goes, I'll take all the credit. Thank you, thank you, hold your applause. I would also like for you to take note that I have a pen promoting Viagra. It IS long and slender shaped. Longer than normal pens. That is all. Well that and I drew another doodle. It's tight. Maybe I'll post it up later.
Let's agree to disagree then? Settled? Good great. Also Z, you should do another, I want to see moar!
I will haha. When I get a pen. The pen that I had, I stabbed through my english binder. I was proving a point to my English teacher. Who's a *****. She was all like " No more drawing in my class" Me " Won't need this anymore then eh?" /slam pen through binder. Im a ****ing idiot for doing that. I need another pen. I'm not taking a Viagra pen to school.... OR am i... hm.. Sounds like a good idea now. Mmk. I'll draw another one Monday then ;p