I'm designing a map and I think it's pretty good so far. This is said so many times but I'm not asking for someone to forge it for me. I'm just asking if someone can fill the areas that are blank. I will upload some pictures for anyone that thinks they can help. I'm trying to keep it secret.
Yes and no, I have the whole map laid out but there are two big open spots by the bases. I think I have a way to solve it but it breaks the snipers line of sight too much from what I'm picturing, yet without it the sniper can see too much.
I'm not looking for a partner I just need a design tip for one part of my map. I have the whole thing thought out so I don't know if I should get a partner. I'll look into it though.
I'd like to see what your talking about to know if it's simple or complex. Is it on the main teir of Sandbox, the sky bubble, or the crypt? Put pictures up as soon as possible, we'll be able to help you out more that way.