Mythic II DLC Castrium

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by diger44, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Castrium is one of the first Citadel maps to be released (not exactly thè first) on Forgehub; however it was started on the 22ond, which is the first map to be "made". It uses the newly discovered No-Clip Glitch or "Ghostmerging" technique. The map takes the middle (not center) section of citadel and blocks everything else out around it. It is set up for EVERY Gametype. Not all are recommended, but all objective spots, starting spawns, etc. are in the map. Some objects are set for different types of symmetry, including teleporters which can be key in gameplay. Two Teams spawn at red(gold) base and blue base. In KOTH, teams spawn in their hallway. FFA Games have no pre-defined starting position.
    Developer Notes

    The merges on this map were done several times due to the innacuarcy of forge's saving engine. Due to this, some objects may be slightly slanted or whatnot. All of the KOTH points\ territory marks are placed by me, and are not default. It toook a while to get them just right.One or two objects are slightly mis-colored because of the very poor lighting system in Halo 3. This is beyond my control and you'll just have to deal with the imperfections. I wasn't willing to spend 2 or 3 more weekends working on getting everything 100% perfect. It's late enough as it is. It was supposed to be relased on sunday, so yeah.
    Gametype Information
    As stated earlier, this map works on ALL gametypes, from Influential VIP, to Infection, KOTH, and others. It has come to my attention that conquest may or may not work, for that I have not tested that gametype. Also Neutral Bomb\Oddball spwans are in the center of the two hallways, so it is random.The following gametypes are recommended:

    • Team Flag (Multi recommended, but One is O.K.)
    • Team Slayer (FFA not recommended)
    • Team Assault (One recommended, but Two Bomb is fine)
    • Team KOTH (Can be a little hectic for more than a 2v2)
    • Other Gametypes are supported, but not recommended
    Weapons and Equipment

    • Assault Rifle (x6)
    • Battle Rifle (x6)
    • Carbine (x4)
    • Sniper Rifle (x2, 90 sec,1 clip)
    • Frag Grenade (x8)
    • Plasma Grenade (x16, some set to 30 sec. others to default)
    • Power Drainer (x2, 150 sec)
    • Regenerator (x2, 180 sec in a hard to reach spot to prevent over-use)
    • Active Camo (x2, 120, symmetrical)


    Main Spawn (Same on red side)
    Side Area (more info on camo+tele later)
    Hallway (Same on blue side)
    Looking out from red spawn
    Nicely merged walls with a ledge
    Camo+Tele area. Tele only spawns symmetrically and lets out in the below picture.
    Tele Reciever. Basically moves you from bottom of red hallway to top of blue and vica-versa. This provides an advantage in bomb plants\ flag captures.
    Just a pic of the top of red hallway.
    The archway has a shield door placed in it for asymmetric gametypes
    Download Links

    Download Here

  2. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    it impresses me first of all its done on one of the hardest forging maps right next to heretic and guardian and its well done gratz on one of the best construct so far. it looks like it should be on bungie fav.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is one of the most flawless maps I have ever seen.
    Your forgeing makes each pieces look like it is meant to be there.
    Definitly downloading this.
  4. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good merging but i dont realy know what is the goal of your map because you block all the door and you but some teleport no where ! Remove this threads !
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Straight up: you did really great. I think that you shouldnt even mention those little problems you had with the inaccuracy of forging and light glitches. I see no problems, and it creates a bad mood to start, which sets up the mood in a bad way. Never mention little problems, because they are easily overlooked and ignored by most people. Also, Recon Speller try downloading it. It plays like a conquest map set up for every gametype. Yeah, that means its really small, but it is great for 2v2 or for having fun. I dont really see a feature, it just doesnt play like one of those maps, but it is definately really cool, and an awesome change of scenery.

    Absolutly no problems here. Citadel is new enough that any map you create on it feels new and innovative to most people, but you took it a step further. You totally changed the feel of the map, going from the top of some strange, open forunner structure to something almost like a horseshoe. Its really a cool feel, and its probably going to be well liked, because the only horseshoe in matchmaking is Avalanche, and thats absolutely massive. Also, the little details like adding boxes fused into the wall and making sure that they are the correct color is just awesome, and it addes worlds to gameplay. Speaking of...​

    Well, good starting spots. Its hard to go wrong on a horseshoe, but they change just enough for every gametype that it works out. Also, FFA ftw! I dont see why its not recommended. But, I have a somewhat new idea that may help. You know your FFA only sheild doors? Try elevating them about a foot off the ground. It allows grenades to be thrown under, but stops most bullets, keeping the only reason for sheild doors but removing the epic fail that is snowbound. You know where you throw a grenade then go through the door? Yeah... Stalemate fail. Now, I do have a few complaints. Its too small for anything above 2v2, unless somebody decides to try Conquest on it. And even though you mentioned that it may work, it definately needs work to get it to be a good conquest map. Also, the teleporters are not worth it. They interfere with gameplay too much, mostly because its small enough that I classify it as a small 2v2 map. Finally, the weapon layout seemed like it was okay, but you should definately mention it in your post. Use it to replace your paragraph about whats bad. Also, less nades (jk).​

    Hey, not very bad. From a forging standpoint, its almost perfect. You did some hard stuff very well. It impressed me quite a bit, and I try to imagine myself as getting more practiced at looking at map problems. I did mention that I thought that you had good spawns, but I only did a quick run-through so dont hold me to my word. Also, its kinda small. Maybe if you had made it a spiral, and had asymmetrical bases (hard to explain, I can make a pic if you need it) it would work, but for now the best you can do is remove the teleporters and add little tiny changes to weapon location. Nothing big that can affect this, without starting over.​

    }----------------------{ 8/10 }----------------------{
  6. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments. The reason I had those developer notes there is not to give a bad feeling toward the map, but for people to understand that it did not take a lot of effort, and that time was spent on it; just because "ghostmerging" (notice quotes) makes geomerging 10x easier, doesn't mean it's any easier to make a good map. Effort and planning is needed, and that's what makes a good map.

    O.K. about this "spiral effect" that you said, I kind of get what your saying but I had $21 and no usable objects left if you noticed. Citadel isn't exactly the easiest map to forge on, which is why I chose it. I will have few competitors to make a good map on here, just like my blackout map. Little people forge on them, so that's why I do it. But anyways, I can't really change the layout due to the object limitation.
    Oh yeah and about the current object placement; my favorite pic is the last one in the post. It looks so legit, it's like bungie was supposed to put that archway there.
    The Tele's did seem a little too far, but when you think about it, people are only going to use it when people are gaurding the flag\bomb too heavily and you need a way in, fast. I justified this by making it symmetrical only, so one-bomb and one-flag are a no-go. I wish bungie made it so certain objects only spawn in certain gametypes, not symmetical or not. They are pretty pointless in slayer. The active camo is a whole 'nother story...
    Also, rasing those sheild doors may not be a bad idea, but again, it is justifed by assymetric-only AND the fact that the space next to the s-door is unblocked (the sniper spawn). They don't spawn in FFA, FFA is symmmetric and the only reason I don't recommend FFA is because it is a symmetrical map meant to be played by two teams, it's two sided, small, and I imagine the spawns are horrible for more than a 4-person FFA.
    Everyone, please feel free to post your review\comment\suggestion below!
  7. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I'm still to play a match on it, which I'll do tommorow, but from what I've seen the smallest shield doors are a bit of a hassle. I don't think those are neccesary, they just catch grenades and drop them early. No extra throws come from those. The idea where the sniper rifle is is really nice, however making the sniper more obvious via weapon holders would be ideal. And last of all, it's a little confusing, and I couldn't find the teleporters until I really tried as hard as I could as monitor. Otherwise I'm looking forward to playing slayer on this tommorow. Nice job.

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